Monday, 19 April 2010

Global Investment House - Proposed KD100 Million Increase in Capital

Today GIH announced on the KSE that it would hold its Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on  5 May 2010.

3 key agenda items were listed:
  1. Shareholder agreement that no dividends be distributed for Fiscal Year 2009.
  2. Cancellation of the previous shareholder approval to issue KD150 million in new shares at 100 fils each (nominal value) with issuance expenses to be no more than 10 fils per share.  This was granted on 15 June 2009, but was never used.
  3. Shareholder agreement to issuing KD100 million in new shares at 100 files per share with issuance expenses to be no more than 5 fils per share.  This would be a priority rights offering for existing shareholders with the approval covering the entry of new shareholders for any shares not taken up by the existing shareholders.
AlQabas has an article in its 19 April issue stating that:
  1. Some local and regional banks are considering the advantages of participating in the share offering on the theory that there would be a capital gain from the entry price.
  2. Foreign banks are said not to be evidencing any interest in the participating.
  3. The article also notes that GIH needs the money.  Shareholders' equity was eroded during the crisis.  Additional capital would provide some support for the successful implementation of the restructuring.  What's interesting is the particular point made that while GIH should have no problem making the first year's debt service payment, it's expected that there will be difficulties with the second year payment.   
  4. As I've written before, the problem with the restructuring was its short tenor (three years).  The main repayment of the facility is intended to be sales from the Global Macro Fund (its holdings of listed companies).  To expect markets to recover in that short period was to be charitable optimistic.    The deal also has a step-up interest rate structure with the rate increasing 1% per year from 1.5%.  Banks do really need to be responsible - not only in underwriting but also in working out problem credits.  I'm not advocating a  100 year deal at 0% interest.  But the banks could have structured a longer deal with a mandatory cashflow sweep for prepayments with triggers for asset sales based on market recovery.  That way, if markets recover early, the banks get paid.  And, if markets don't, there isn't a potentially fatal second default.  The goal is to milk the cow not kill it.    
Here's the announcement from the KSE (Arabic only).

[9:41:29]  ِ.اجتماع الجمعية العمومية لبيت الاستثمار العالمي في 5-5-2010 لبيانات 2009‏
يعلن سوق الكويت للأوراق المالية بأن الجمعية العمومية العادية
وغير العادية لبيت الاستثمار العالمي سوف تنعقد يوم الاربعاء
الموافق 5-5-2010 في تمام الساعة 11 صباحا في مقر الشركة
حيث سيتم خلالها مناقشة ما يلي: ‏
ِ1- عدم توزيع ارباح عن السنة المالية المنتهية في 31-12-2009.‏
ِ2- الموافقة على الغاء موافقة الجمعية العامة العادية للشركة المنعقدة
في 15-06-2009 عن نهاية السنة المالية 2008 بزيادة رأس مال
الشركة بما يعادل 150.000.000 دينار كويتي موزعة ‏
على 1.500.000.000 سهم وبقيمة اسمية تعادل 100 فلس للسهم
الواحد وعلاوة اصدار 10 فلوس للسهم الواحد ومصروف اصدار 5 فلوس
للسهم الواحد
ِ3- الموافقة على زيادة رأس مال الشركة بما يعادل 100.000.000 دينار كويتي
موزعة على سهم وبقيمة اسمية 100 فلس للسهم الواحد
وعلاوة اصدار 5 فلوس للسهم الواحد على ان لا يتجاوز مصروف الاصدار 5%‏
من القيمة الاسمية للسهم الواحد وان يتم استدعاء زيادة رأس المال على دفعة
واحدة والاولوية بالاكتتاب للمساهمين المسجلين بسجل المساهمين في اليوم
السابق على تاريخ دعوة مجلس الادارة للمساهمين للاكتتاب كما يجوز دخول
مساهمين جدد بالفائض غير المكتتب فيه من قبل المساهمين وتفويض مجلس ‏
الادارة بوضع الضوابط والشروط والقواعد لاستدعاء رأس المال
كما سيتم مناقشة بنود اخرى على جدول الاعمال.‏
علما بأن هذه التوصيات تخضع لموافقة الجمعية العمومية والجهات المختصة.‏



Laocowboy2 said...

Good analysis - banks all too often confuse getting "a" deal done in the present with the need to get the "right deal" done that will maximise eventual recovery. The GIH assets are such that the sale value in current markets are low - they are really mainly pre-IPO (or post a too early IPO) holdings of interest only to PE type investors. Your suggested structure would be much better.

Abu 'Arqala said...


Though it's very easy to come up with solutions to problems when you're not involved in them and flying over them at 5,000 meters.

The structure looks like one to put maximum pressure on GIH - and perhaps that's a reflection of the lenders' collective assessment that a short leash/tight collar was the best method to handle this "puppy".