Showing posts with label Sankt Nimmerleinstag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sankt Nimmerleinstag. Show all posts

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

MENA IB Fees by Country - Bring Out Your LHC

Just the Equipment to Detect Small Amounts or Particles


In my previous post, I showed that MENA IB fees are pretty much a rounding error in relation to global IB fees.

I thought it would be interesting to use the estimates in the Refinitiv MENA IB reports mentioned in that post to take a look at the “major” countries in this rather “minor” total amount of fees.

Just a short technical note.

Refinitiv estimates total IB fees for a country, a regional area, and globally. 

The free reports that I am using here and in the previous post are summaries. 

Full details are available from Refinitiv for a modest fee.

I’ve prepared two tables:

  • USD amount of MENA IB fees by identified countries.

  • MENA IB fees by country as a percentage of global IB fees.

In my illustrious career on the sellside, I have worked on single transactions that generated fees equal to these yearly fees.  Often multiples.

Note that the amounts above are expressed as percentages.  The decimal equivalent of Saudi IB fees for FY 2020 is therefore 0.0030.

A stark and bleak picture.

Dreams of IB fee “riches” in Saudi or the UAE seem a rather a long distance off.

Vielleicht am Tag danach Sankt Nimmerleinstag.

For the other countries even further in the future.