Showing posts with label Olayan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Olayan. Show all posts

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

AlFarabi Investment Company Planning to Enter Under Financial Stability Law

Yesterday Al Watan published an article stating that Al Farabi had received agreement in principle from the Central Bank of Kuwait to enter under the protection of the Financial Stability Law.

Today AlWatan published an article in which AlFarabi's GM confirms the news.  But denies being the source of the leak as the Company's intention is to wait until the upcoming shareholders' general meeting.

AF is primarily Kuwaiti owned by financial institutions KFH and  Industrial Bank of Kuwait and corporate groups.  From Kuwait:  Al Mousherji, Al Sayer, Hasibat Groups of Kuwait and the Olayan Group of Saudi Arabia.   It states it conducts its business according to the Shari'ah.

It is a private equity, direct investment firm which is probably best known for winning the privatization of the lube oil blending plant from KNPC.  The lube oil venture is separately capitalized from AF.