Showing posts with label Kuwait International Bank. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kuwait International Bank. Show all posts

Thursday, 29 July 2010

All in the Family?: Heavy Trading In Kuwait International Bank Shares - Who's Buying?

AlQabas reports that in the past 10 business days some 90.1 million shares of KIB (8.6%)  have been traded.  KD 19.5 million worth in 1121 contracts.  Apparently someone is buying because the share price  is rising.  2 fils yesterday on 7.5 million shares.  Compared to the KSE which is on a downward trend closing 17.7 points lower.

The speculation is that someone is accumulating a position.

The article does note the requirement for disclosure when one's position hits the 5% mark.  Though I suppose several of one's friends could buy just under the "wire".

Maybe Tessio, Clemenza, Fredo, Tom Hagen, etc.   One suspects not Barzini or Tattaglia.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Kuwait International Bank - Board Accepts Resignation of Ra'id Jawad Bu Khamseen

Today AlWatan reported that the Chairman of KIB, Shaykh Muhammad Jarrah Al Sabah, announced that the Board had accepted the resignation of Ra'id Jawad Bu Khamseen.  The reason given was the same as with the two previous resignations - that Ra'id did not hold enough qualifying shares.  And Shaykh Muhammad personally assured that this was the only reason that Ra'id is leaving the Board.

And, if you're willing to believe that the son of Jawad BuKhamseen could not come up with  qualifying shares in what was his dad's bank, please post and leave your contact details.  I have some lake-front property in the International City development in Dubai.  It's almost as fragrant as Tubli Bay.   

The article also notes that Ms. Najah Al Suwaydi respectfully declined to take up her position for personal reasons.

The Board will call an ordinary general shareholders meeting in the near term so that shareholders can vote to fill the "gap" in the Board.

Looks like the new owners are moving smartly to put their personnel in the key positions.   Yes, I know there hasn't been any material change in ownership posted on the KSE.   "Family Values" as we say out in the West here.  And apparently in Kuwait as well.  There are no better values or so I am told.  And what better place to read about them than a family friendly newspaper like AlWatan.

Monday, 3 May 2010

Kuwait International Bank - Dr Mahmoud Abu Al Uyyun as General Manager

AlQabas reports that KIB has secured Central Bank of Kuwait approval to appoint Mahmoud Abu AlAyyan as General Manager.

Mahmoud is a long serving banker of Egyptian origin.  He was Deputy to Egypt's Director at the IMF, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Egypt, Governor and Chairman of the Board of the Central Bank of Egypt.  He's also been an economic and financial advisor at the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development.  The AlQ article details his other banking experience.

A pair of safe hands to implement the new strategy.

Friday, 30 April 2010

Kuwait International Bank - Board Resignations for Legal Reasons

Today both AlWatan and AlQabas carry a KUNA news report attributed to Shayh Muhammad AlJarrah AlSabah from 29 April.  He explained that the resignations of Fahad Al Ibrahim and Sanaa  Al Juma from the Board of KIB were purely for legal reasons.

He noted that within one month of election Board members must deposit their entire "qualifying shares" with an accredited bank.  The amount required is the lesser of 1% of the total number of shares of the firm or KD7,500 - whichever is less.

Neither Al Ibrahim nor Al Juma managed to do this and so "voluntarily and out of respect for the law" they resigned.  Shaykh Muhammad will be calling upon the "reserve directors" to serve in their place.

This is quite a remarkable story.  And I'm not sure what to make of it.  It's sort of like the old Ripley's "Believe It or Not".
  1. Did they buy the shares but the maid knocked the "post it" note  "Deposit shares before 27 April" off the talaja and they missed the deadline?
  2. Did the two newly minted directors not know of this requirement?  In which case one might ask about KIB's selection procedures for candidates.  And its post election counseling of newly elected directors.
  3. Did the two directors know but just forgot?  Again might this suggest slightly more stringent selection criteria? 
  4. Did the two directors know but after sitting in on their first board meeting, decide that even such a modest purchase was an unwise investment? 
  5. Did they want to purchase the shares but like many Kuwaitis find they are tapped out with the local bank to finance another purchase?  Perhaps, the Majlis Al Umma's unceasing efforts to relieve the personal loan burden of Kuwaiti citizens have received yet another compelling reason to go forward.
And think of the embarrassment that this notice must be causing the two directors.  I think that officially it should have been said that they wanted to spend more time with their families.  As we all know or should, one's family is quite important in Kuwait.  And then of course there's The Family which some say may be even more important in some cases.  I'm sure there's a family or a Family involved here.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Group to Make Offer for Kuwait International Bank

AlQabas reports that a local group of investors is ready to make a bid of KD0.500 per share to the major shareholder (BuKhamseen Group) for its 33% share in the bank as a prelude to securing majority control through purchases on the KSE.  The offer is conditioned on obtaining Central Bank of Kuwait approval.

KIB is the old Kuwait Real Estate Bank which now operates as an "Islamic" Bank.  For the past week or so its shares have been trading in a range of KD0.228 to KD0.248 per share.  So the offer represents a substantial premium over the market price.

As reported earlier here and here, there are some potential financial troubles plaguing Mr. Jawad BuKhamseen, who is the owner of the major shareholder.  I wonder if any of the old shareholding group who left after a falling out with Jawad might be staging a comeback?  The investor group is described as being composed of investment companies, manufacturing companies and individual investors.

Here's a link to KIB's page at the KSE.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Kuwait International Bank Denies Knowledge of Any Takeover Attempt

KIB published an announcement on the Kuwait Stock Exchange denying any knowledge of a takeover or buyout attempt.  It also noted that any such action would require regulatory approval.

[11:5:53]  ِ.ايضاح من بنك الكويت الدولي بخصوص ما نشر فى احدى الصحف المحلية اليوم ‏
يعلن سوق الكويت للاوراق المالية بانه ورد الينا الان بان بنك الكويت ‏
الدولي يود ان يوضح بخصوص ما نشر فى احدى الصحف المحلية اليوم ‏
حول سعي تحالف للاستحواذ على حصة فى البنك ، يفيد البنك بان ادارة ‏
البنك ليس لديها علم بمضمون ما ورد فى الخبر .‏
وافاد البنك بان عمليات الاستحواذ تخضع لموافقة مسبقة من جهة الاشراف ‏
وفقا لاحكام القوانين والتعليمات الصادرة بهذا الشان .‏

Change of Ownership at Kuwait International Bank?

AlQabas reports that a group comprising a local company and some individual investors has formed to buy KIB (the ex Kuwait Real Estate Bank).   KREB converted to an Islamic Bank in 2005/2006.  

The acquirers will need Central Bank of Kuwait approval as well as an agreement with the BuKhamseen Group, the major shareholder. 

A while back you'll recall that there was news about the Settlement Committee taking action against Mr. Jawad Bu Khamseen.  Earlier posts here and here.  I wonder if this might be related to the potential for a sale of the Bu Khamseen Group's interests in KIB.