Wednesday, 3 February 2010

بدون التعليق


hut said...

Hey - this is a "Without Words" cartoon which even I as non-Arabic speaker can understand.

Nasser brought modernization and progress, whilst the other c**t brought nepotism, corruption and deprivation.

But, didn't Nasser start a war with his pan-Arabian posturing and get his arse whipped comprehensively? (Isn't nationalistic industrial and infrastructural development all too often a precursor to military adventures? And doesn't it nearly always go wrong?)

Abu 'Arqala said...

The cartoon is a play on the fact that the word "sadd" in Arabic means dam as well as barrier. It says "The high (with a connotation of superior or most worthy) built the high dam. The lowly (with the connotation of base) built the low barrier". The reference to the latter is the steel wall that the Egyptian Government is building along its border with the Gaza Strip.

Like any other human ruler (and that seems to be all that we get) Nasser had his good as well as bad aspects. His successes and his failures. The 1952 Revolution brought profound social change to Egypt and more equality. The 1967 War a profound defeat that undermined much of the economic and social progress of the revolution. Yet for all that five million or so Egyptians turned out to mourn him at his funeral. I suspect a number that subsequent rulers would be hard pressed to secure. In fact probably a number that few if any rulers around the world could attain - especially if we look to scale by relative population size.

bvuk said...
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