Wednesday 3 February 2010

Al Arabiyya Loses Appeal on Court Judgment Over Failure to Air Interview with Saudi Shaykh


Maktoob reports that the Appeals Court has upheld the judgment of the Court of First Instance fining Al Arabiyya for not showing an interview with the Saudi Shaykh who reportedly suffered immensely from this slight.   

Earlier post here 

Warning:   Before you click on this link, you should be aware that this earlier post contains some rather graphic language describing the harm done to the Shaykh by the failure of Al Arabiyya to air the interview.    

In commenting on the case, the following quote was attributed to Al Arabiyya.
"The interview was nothing special, there was nothing new in it ... Just because he is a prince doesn't mean he has the right to have his interview broadcast," Nasser al-Sarami, head of media at Al Arabiya, told Reuters.
For a company owned among others by Saudis and one Shaykh from a delightful country on the Mediterranean who has two passports (because of this he's got to be twice a Shaykh) and operating out of Dubai Media City, it seems to me that a little more respect for Shaykhs is in order. 

Al Arabiyya does have the right of a final appeal to the Court of Cassation, though I for one wonder just how much pain they think they can inflict on the already highly wronged Shaykh.

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