Saturday 22 May 2010

Suq Al Mal Contact Form Launched

 HMG Now in Public Domain

In response to unprecedented demand  (well, there was one reader and she asked twice), earlier today Suq Al Mal announced the launch of its Contact Form to its readership.

Pictured above, the reaction of the obviously delighted crowds as imagined by Abu Arqala (third on left).  Yet another demonstration, as if one were needed, of Suq Al Mal's proven business model and the confidence of the market in this site and its management. 

So, if you want to send a side message, you now have a way.

However, my strong preference remains that you add a public comment directly to one of my posts.  This fosters dialogue and debate.  And, as can be seen from the instances when it  has happened, dramatically improves the quality of what's on this blog.

You'll find the link on Suq Al Mal's elegant Home Page near the top of the right hand sidebar under the aptly named heading "Pages".  There's always a constant creative tension here at SAM between subtlety and the obvious!


The Rageful Cynic said...

well i'm flattered... i'm also a female but whatever :)

keep up the good work, i look forward to digging into the Global analysis. :)

Abu 'Arqala said...



Correction made.