Thursday 7 January 2010

NY Judge Questions Whether Mashreqbank v Al Gosaibi Belongs in NY Courts

Bloomberg reports that New York State Supreme Court Justice Richard Lowe postponed a hearing and other proceedings in Mashreqbank v Ahmad Hamad Al Gosaibi and Brothers asking counsel to provide him arguments why the court case (and AHAB's countersuit against Mashreqbank over which he is also presiding) should be heard in New York.

“I find it incredible that everyone here represents someone over there,” Lowe told lawyers. “All of the parties, all of the witnesses, all of the documents here have to be translated from Arabic and I have to then apply New York state law,” he said.

A decision that Saudi Arabia is the proper forum could have an impact on the case raised by AHAB against Maan AlSanea in New York as well.

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