Thursday 14 January 2010

Manifest Absurdity: The Christian (?) God

Proving once again that idiocy knows no borders, the FT published an article 13 January in which FT correspondent, Kevin Brown in Singapore, states:  "The roots of the conflict lie in an Umno decision three years ago when, as part of a licensing regime through which the government controls the mainstream media, but not the internet, the home minister barred the Herald from using the arabic word Allah to describe the Christian God." (Emphasis mine).

While I cannot produce either my long form or short form Doctor of Divinity degree, I think it is fairly commonly accepted that the same God was involved with Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed.  That I believe is pretty much what is taught in the Quran.  The Christian Bible also holds that the God of the Old Testament is the same One as the New Testament.

I suppose if I had an open mind I might ask if there was a Catholic God distinct from say the Lutheran One.

And has anyone out there ever wondered if  Catholics in France have a different One than those in the USA.  After all the French refer to "their" God as Dieu, while we in the States call Him by His proper name, God.   And what pray tell are we to make of the  Russians' name for God?


Anonymous said...

I agree with you, although I don't think there is a "proper" name for God... and if we're gonna get technical about it, he has at least 99 of them. :)

I saw some of your previous posts and thought this might interest you:

keep up the good work :)

Abu 'Arqala said...


My comment on the "proper" name for God was meant as a dig at a particular form of nationalistic small mindedness.

You are correct about الاسماءالحسنى
as outlined in the following:

صدّق الله العظيم

Thanks also for the Markaz Club roundtable on real estate. I think they have an interesting idea of recording a discussion/debate among their analysts. While not in depth as a single analyst's article, it's a way of getting a snapshot of a variety of views.