Thursday, 16 September 2010

Global Investment House - Al Madina Wins Appeal Against Global

"You're it!"
Today Al Madina Finance and Investment announced (on the KSE and the DFM) that the Appeals Court had overturned the earlier judgment in Global's favor which was rendered by the MOCI's Arbitration Tribunal.

Under that earlier judgment (last April), Al Madina had been ordered to pay Global:
  1. US$10,011,224 dollars principal of a loan plus
  2. US$300,000 in compensation
If you remember the history, at that time, Al Madina noted that the  judgment was only preliminary and not final and that it would appeal.

Today it noted that on 8 September the relevant court had voided the MOIC Arbitration Tribunal's judgment and had referred the case to the Department of Experts for study.  Al Madina noted this meant that any steps taken by Global to enforce the Tribunal's judgment would be void.

For its part, Global retorted on the KSE (text Arabic only below), that the court judgment was preliminary and not final. And that Global would appeal.

In effect, the game of tag continues.

[12:39:50]  ِ.ايضاح من (جلوبل) بخصوص الدعوى رقم 2010/1675 ‏
يعلن سوق الكويت للأوراق المالية عطفا على اعلانه السابق بتاريخ 04-04-2010 ‏
والخاص بمنازعة التحكيم رقم 2010/41 والتي صدر فيها حكم من هيئة التحكيم ‏
التجاري فى غرفة صناعة وتجارة الكويت بالزام شركة المدينة للتمويل ‏
والاستثمار (المدينة) بان تؤدي لشركة بيت الاستثمار العالمي (جلوبل) ‏
مبلغ وقدره 10,011,224 دولار امريكي قيمة اصل الدين ،ومبلغ 300,000 دولار ‏
امريكي على سبيل التعويض .‏
تفيد شركة (جلوبل) بانه صدر فى الدعوى المذكورة ‏حكما بجلسة 08-09-2010 ‏
والذي جرى منطوقه حكمت المحكمة: ‏
ِ1-ببطلان حكم التحكيم الصادر عن مركز الكويت للتحكيم التجاري بتاريخ1-4-2010‏
لدعوى التحكيم لسنة 2010/41 .‏
ِ2-‏وفى موضوع الدعوى :باحالتها الى ادارة الخبراء ‏
كما افادت شركة (جلوبل) بان هذا الحكم ابندائيا تميهديا غير منهي للخصومة و
ليس نهائيا وانه سوف يتم الطعن عليه بالاجراءات القانونية المناسبة فيما ‏
اذا صدر فى غير صالح شركة بيت الاستثمار العالمي (جلوبل) ‏


Anonymous said...

I am not 100% sure of this : I heard that an ex Global senior person is advising almadina

Laocowboy2 said...

And can they actually afford to pay if they lose?

Abu 'Arqala said...


Are you asking about Al M or Global or both? :)

Maybe they could arrange a barter.

Global could provide some of its Euromoney Award winning research.

Al Madina could pray for Global.