Thursday, 17 December 2009

Commercial Bank of Kuwait - Board Resignation - Fuad I. Dashti

CBK has announced to the KSE that Mr. Fuad Ismail Dashti has resigned as a member of its Board.

11:16:47]  ِ.استقالة عضو من مجلس ادارة البنك التجاري الكويتي
يعلن سوق الكويت للأوراق المالية بأن البنك التجاري الكويتي
افاد باستقالة السيد / فؤاد اسماعيل دشتي من عضوية مجلس
ادارة البنك وان مجلس الادارة اعتمد استقالته في اجتماعه
المؤرخ في 14-12-2009


7indebo said...

Seriously, this is probably the best website and blog on matters of GGC markets and finance. I hope you continue in the same vein for a long time to come. I've just recently discovered it, via The Gulf Curve.

Abu 'Arqala said...

Many thanks for the kind comment.

Abu 'Arqala said...

If you're not familiar with some of the other GCC finance blogs besides this one and The Gulf Curve, check out my list of Other Blogs and Interesting Links.

Alpha Dinar
The Emirates Economist
The Gulf Blog
Middle East (UAE and GCC) Finance and Investment News

Also Frank Kane at The National newspaper in Abu Dhabi has interesting columns.