Tuesday 23 February 2010

Boubyan Bank Capital Raising - Formal Announcement on Rights Offering 85.29% Take-up

Bank Boubyan formally announced the results of their Rights Offering, 496,881,458 shares were sold (85.29% of the amount offered) and capital increased KD49,688,145.

In case you're wondering, BB is speaking about the increase in paid in capital not capital in total.  The shares were offered at KD0.255 per share which represents a share premium of KD0.155 per share.  So the issue actually raised KD126,704,771.800 of which KD49,688,175 was added to paid in capital and the rest to share premium.

As noted in a previous post, the plan is to re-open the Rights Offering because the Legal and Fatwa Department wouldn't permit an offering to third parties.   Earlier post here.   And an earlier one here.

[12:7:17]  ِ.زيادة رأس مال بنك بوبيان
يعلن سوق الكويت للأوراق المالية بأن بنك بوبيان افاد بانتهاء
فترة الاكتتاب طبقا للمدة المحددة في تاريخ 07-02-2010‏
وتمت زيادة رأس مال البنك من 116.523.531/500 د.ك
الى 166.211.677/300 د.ك وذلك بالاكتتاب في
عدد 496.881.458 سهم بما يعادل نسبته 85.289% من
اجمالي الاسهم المطروحة للاكتتاب وعليه فقد تمت اضافة اسهم
زيادة رأس المال للمكتتبين في ارصدتهم بالتنسيق مع الشركة
الكويتية للمقاصة بتاريخ 23-02-20

1 comment:

Aloha Hawaii said...

Wholesale Investor is a business website and magazine which connects companies seeking growth capital, to high net worth, professional and international investors.

Capital Raising