Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Lenders Selling Saad Group Loans

Remedial Lending Class

Asa Fitch at The National reports on some loan sales by Saad lenders.

This makes perfect sense. 

It's highly unlikely that Saad or AHAB, for that matter, are suddenly going to settle their debts.  It's likely that there will be considerable more time before a deal is struck.  And then repayment is likely to be painfully slow over a long period.

It makes perfect sense for lenders with modest sized tickets to exit now.  End the uncertainty.  Devote resources to other more productive efforts than negotiating a rescheduling and then tracking the performance of a weak credit.

The sad thing is that bankers have ADD so that any lessons learned are remembered for only a short period making the cost of tuition not effective.

DFSA Calls for Audit Improvements

Apparently heeding the comments of  The Rageful Cynic on this blog,  Paul Koster, CEO of the DFSA called for improvements in local auditing as reported by Tom Arnold at The National.
“Are auditors doing enough in that respect? I don’t think so,” said Mr Koster. “I think one of the key areas where auditors right now can gain momentum in the level of trust they provide to the financial market is to increase the level of scrutiny and scepticism in regard to the judgement of management in valuations.”
There's the usual commentary as well about the  need for auditors to get more training so they can understand complex financial instruments.

But the most telling quote of all is at the end of the article.
Auditors speaking to The National have previously accused Gulf companies of using similar accounting practices to mask bad assets and called for greater safeguards to avoid such methods.
Accounting in the GCC is based on IFRS which is a principles and not a rules based approach (the latter being the system in the USA).

Under a rules-based system, the accountant and auditor merely ticks the boxes.  If enough boxes are ticked, the transaction passes the test.  Form may over rule substance.

Under a principles-based accounting system, accountants and auditors are to look behind the form of a transaction to the substance.  The Lehman Repo 105 was a very clear scheme to get around the rules.

That local auditors are whining about violations and doing nothing to stop their clients is a very clear indication that the problem isn't training.  It isn't greater skepticism (or scepticism).  It isn't a lack of scrutiny.  

Very simply put, it's a lack of professional ethics.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Construction Delivery Group Files AED49 Million Suit Against Nakheel

Bradley Hope over at The National reports that CDG has filed an AED million suit against Nakheel at the special Dubai World Tribunal at the DIFC.

Here's an extract from the claim filed by CDG (Dubai World Special Tribunal Case DWT-0008-2010).

The DWT website is at www.dubaiworldtribunal.ae.

1.The Claimant claims against the First Defendant and/or the Second Defendant and/or the Third Defendant  damages, monies due, interest, legal fees, costs and expenses.

2.The Claimant's contractual and non-contractual claims arise out of and in connection with a contract (PJ-338) and/or contracts for the provision of Facilities Management Services (comprising Mobilisation Phase Services and Operational Phase Services in respect of 1,224 villas and 114 “Canal Cove homes” located on the Palm Jumeirah, Dubai) between approximately March 2007 and January 2009.

3.The Claimant Claims:

(i)  AED 24,514,464.49  Mobilisation Phase: unpaid fees to 31 January 2009
(ii) AED 2,608,347.75  Mobilisation Phase: loss of profit 01 February 2009 – 30 June 2010 
(iii) AED 6,001,899.58  Operational Phase: unpaid fees to 31 December 2008
(iv) AED 1,369,200.00 Operational Phase: loss of profit 01 January 2009 – 31May 2009
(v) AED 4,097,925.00 Operational Phase: Maintenance Services; fixed running costs for villas exceeding 400;  01 June 2008 - 31 December 2008
(vi) AED 982,534.00 Loss and damage: office, plant and equipment
(vii) AED 103,235.69 Loss and damage: emergency stores
(viii) AED 1,095,149.87 Loss of main office overhead contribution
(ix) AED 679,023.69 De-mobilisation costs on wrongful termination
(x) AED - To be advised  Loss of the use of the Claimant's Performance Security (AED 1,569,460.00) for the period 10 February 2009 – 07 October 2009

Interest pursuant to Articles 88 and 76 of Federal Law No. 18 of 1993: the Claimant claims compound interest on the above amounts at 12% per annum from the date such sums accrued to the date of payment, alternatively at such rate and for such period as the Tribunal deems fit.
As Bradley notes the process and outcome of the case will be closely watched to see how the Special Tribunal works.  As well, whether the ST gives smaller creditors a way around the rescheduling.  It would seem that CDG perhaps does not intend to contract with Nakheel again.

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Al Safat Investment Kuwait: 1H10 Loss KD1.1 Million

Al Safat Investment issued its 1H10 financials on the KSE today (as usual Arabic only text which is below).

The headlines:
  1. A loss for the 1H10 of KD1.1 million and for 2Q10 a loss of KD2.3 million.
  2. Comparable figures for 2009 were KD0.05 million for 1H09 and a profit of KD2.0 million for 2Q09.
  3. Shareholders' equity stood at KD109 million versus KD136.5 million a year earlier.
  4. Current Assets KD56.9 million
  5. Total Assets KD177.1 million
  6. Current Liabilities KD56.6 million (Positive working capital!)
  7. Total Liabilities of KD67.9 million.
  8. Total Equity of KD109 million.
  9. Don't have an explanation for the KD154,300 difference between Total Assets and Total Liabilities plus Total Equity.  Treasury Shares?
What's interesting is that earlier ASIK had announced  that one of its subsidiaries had concluded a successful exit from a holding in the PRC which would give a profit of KD4.25 million  which would be reflected in ASIK's 2Q10 results.  That suggests that there were total expenses of at least KD6.55 million in 2Q10, assuming no other revenue. Mark-to-markets or provisions, pehaps? 

[9:8:50]  بلغت (خسارة) (الصفاة) (1) مليون د.ك لل6 أشهر المنتهية في 30-06-2010‏
يعلن سوق الكويت للأوراق المالية أن شركة الصفاة للاستثمار (الصفاة)‏
حصلت على موافقة بنك الكويت المركزي على بياناتها المالية المرحلية للفترة ‏
المنتهية في 30-06-2010، يوم الخميس الموافق 16-09-2010 ،
وفقا لما يلي:‏
البند     ال3 أشهر المنتهية في 30-06-10     ال6 أشهر المنتهية في 30-06-10‏
الربح (خسارة)(د.ك)           (2.283.982)               (1.052.962) ‏
ربحية(خسارة)السهم (فلس كويتي) (2.95)                       (1.36) ‏
اجمالي الموجودات المتداولة                                56.860.414‏
اجمالي الموجودات                                          177.095.485‏
اجمالي المطلوبات المتداولة                                 56.566.959‏
اجمالي المطلوبات                                           67.979.802‏
ِ اجمالي حقوق المساهمين                                   108.961.399‏
بلغ اجمالي الايرادات من التعاملات مع الاطراف ذات الصلة مبلغ 342.017 د.ك
بلغ اجمالي المصروفات من التعاملات مع الاطراف ذات الصلة مبلغ 162.545 د.ك
الفترات المقارنة:‏
البند     ال3 أشهر المنتهية في 30-06-09     ال6 أشهر المنتهية في 30-06-09‏
الربح (خسارة)(د.ك)            2.008.551                    49.797 ‏
ربحية(خسارة)السهم (فلس كويتي)  2.60                          0.06‏
اجمالي الموجودات المتداولة                                66.093.906‏
اجمالي الموجودات                                          210.284.340‏
اجمالي المطلوبات المتداولة                                 38.250.324‏
اجمالي المطلوبات                                           73.726.219‏
ِ اجمالي حقوق المساهمين                                   136.532.947‏
وعليه سوف تعاد الشركة الى التداول بعد عشر دقائق من نزول الاعلان .‏

Go for the Kill: 1-1

Go for the kill.

To the Football Jinn:  I'd like to point out that I kept quiet for the canonical first three games.  It isn't supposed to work like this.

Emaar - Investment Opportunity of a Lifetime

I see on the DFM this morning that Emaar's Board has decided to sell its 200,000 treasury shares.  

You'd better jump quickly before this opportunity passes you by.

Unlike the postman, Opportunity only knocks once.

Update:  Shares sold 20 September at AED3.84 per share.

Update - Republican Senate Candidate Admits to Dabbling in Witchcraft

If you're worried, don't be.

Luckily the Republican Governor of Louisiana is a home-schooled exorcist.

Idiocy Knows No Borders: Mice with Human Brains

Hidden Camera Picture from Inside NIH Laboratories

Well, just when you thought you'd heard everything, something new pops up.

The Republican candidate (who else of course) for Senate from the great state of Delaware apparently rang the warning tocsin of a manifest danger to our nation back in 2007.  Sadly though it appears no one heeded her:
"They are -- they are doing that here in the United States. American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains. So they're already into this experiment."
Now I suspect many of you out there are wondering if this could possibly be true.  I'd point out that Ms. O'Donnell made her remarks on Bill O'Reilly's show.  And if that doesn't settle the issue for you, I'm not sure what other arguments would.

One thing we can be sure of from this story though is that we have pretty conclusive proof that scientists have been successful in their efforts to cross-breed humans with mice brains.  I think Ms. O'Donnell's words speak for themselves.

You may also be wondering who "they" are.  I'd tell you but I'm pretty sure I can here the very faint "whump, whump" of the black helicopters circling overhead   I did ask the real estate agent if we were outside the range of the UN spy satellites.  She assured me we would be.  But I guess she didn't know or, perhaps, may have been in on the plot.  

 Outside my window, right now.

Additional posting may be delayed today.  I'm going to nip out to the local store.  While I did line my enormous tarboush with tin foil last week, I think it's time I put tin foil on the walls around the area in which I blog.  One can't be too safe. 

If  I don't post again, well you'll know what happened. 

And for God's sake keep your eyes open for mice on bicycles!

Damas - Board Undertakes Further "Progress" in "Enforcing" Enforceable Undertaking

Actual Cascade Agreement.
Look closely for the water.  
DIL shares in green.
Damas' Board announced on NasdaqDubai further developments related to the Abdullah Brothers and the DFSA mandated Enforceable Undertaking.

Damas is getting ready to sign a Cascade Agreement with the Flying Abdullah Brothers and their two companies Damas Real Estate LLC and Damas Investments Limited. as well as these entities' other lenders. 

Under the proposed CA Damas will agree:

(a)   not to enforce its rights under the settlement agreement dated 10 October 2009 between, amongst others, the Abdullah Brothers and DIL; and
(b)  not to enforce its rights under the share pledge (the "DIL Share Pledge") granted by the Abdullah Brothers on 31 October 2009 in favour of DIL in respect of 350 million shares in DIL (the "DIL Pledged Shares").
I presume that DIL is just agreeing to forbearance on its rights above.  That is, it has not renounced these rights nor is it sharing the DIL Pledged Shares with the other lenders.  This sort of inter lender agreement is fairly common.  The operative presumption being that if one creditor moves to exercise its rights it could bring the debtor down thus hurting all the parties. So it's an agreement among the lenders to move in tandem.

It's probably a safe bet that the FAB were consistently "wise" investors.  Thus, they probably used the loans from other lenders to finance similar "great" investments in real estate, etc. as they ones they made with the money they stole, excuse me, "withdrew without proper documentation" from DIL.  Which suggests that the cash flow may well be as depicted above.  In such a case one wouldn't want to be at the tail end of the cascade.

Not much that could be done.  They say (and they are so often right that I don't even bother to contradict them anymore) that Mar Jude is the Patron Saint of Bank Loan Workout Groups.  Where's Amos Yaqub when DIL needs him? He's got a special "in" with Mar Jude.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Dubai: More Pain to Come

Tom Arnold over at The National has an article on the pain likely to come from Nakheel and Dubai Holding restructurings.

As well as a few quotes from the ratings downgrade of ADCB.  Sounds like Brother Eiraqat already needs more than two 1000 mg Dolgit.

A Chance to Make a Difference

One mouse click away and you can make a difference.

Discovery Gardens: Where Wonders Never Cease

Discovery Gardens' Residents Cool Off

Seems the folks at Discovery Gardens had another unhappy discovery of late.  No air conditioning.  
A Palm District Cooling System official said the “company is addressing the problem that arose due to technical problems. About 14 buildings in Discovery Garden are having problems and we are trying to rectify it soon.”
It seems the manifold through which the money flows isn't working.  Unclear if it's a problem with the manifold or a lack of money.  PDC engineers are reportedly on the scene though.

They say that there are three things important in real estate:  location, location and location.

Of course, when "they" say that, they're assuming that basic infrastructure and services are in place.

There's no substitute for dealing with first class firms!

International Investment Group - Denies "Success" in Repaying Debts

This morning IIG announced on the KSE and BSE that the news in this morning's Al Watan about it successfully paying some US$18 million in debt was in error.

It seems success is not only fleeting, but sometimes it doesn't occur at all.

Threat to Capitalism Warning Notice: Regulatory Overkill Again

No sooner had I begun to relax than I read of another manifest danger.  No, it's not ill-conceived regulations of the financial sector as one concerned bank CEO calls them.

It's regulatory overkill for offshore drilling.

In today's FT the Lex column thundered:
Regulatory overkill after BP's drilling accident has understandably soured the mood.
I've boldfaced two words from the quote.  A "drilling accident".  Sounds benign.  A company dedicated to "best practice" and with a highly environmentally friendly logo is drilling and for some unexplained reason there's an accident.  Probably not their fault at all.  Hard to see what all the fuss is about.

On the front page of the FT in an article hysterically titled "BP Cited for Safety Lapses on North Sea", I did learn that the newspaper had filed a request under the UK's Freedom of Information Act and learned that:
"All but one of BP's five North Sea installations inspected in 2009 were cited for failure to comply with emergency regulations on oil spills, raising questions about the company's ability to manage a disaster in the area."
Now some of you cynics out there might use this information to criticize the good folks at BP.  You might say the instead of describing the Gulf of Mexico as an accident, this bit of information suggests criminal negligence.

I for one look at this last bit of news with a less condemning eye.
  1. If there's an accident here, it's likely relating to the one out of the five wells in the North Sea.  BP has a pretty consistent record.  Besides preparation for disasters is a waste of shareholder funds, because in well managed operations disasters never occur.
  2. BP's disaster management abilities (or lack thereof) have been pretty well demonstrated and documented.  There's really no need to raised questions now to which we already have the answer.  The information obtained by the FT is therefore not explosive (at least in a news worthy sense).  
It's high time that pointy-headed bureaucrats in Washington and in London get off the back of the financial and oil industries.

They've demonstrated a remarkable rhetorical capacity for imaginary self-regulation.  It's time to end regulatory overkill.  Next thing you know there could be crackpot schemes for food or mining safety!  All this could wind up killing our very way of life.  That is, of course, if you're able to continue living after an economic and environmental collapse, assuming you didn't die from food poisoning first.

Global Investment House - Al Madina Wins Appeal Against Global

"You're it!"
Today Al Madina Finance and Investment announced (on the KSE and the DFM) that the Appeals Court had overturned the earlier judgment in Global's favor which was rendered by the MOCI's Arbitration Tribunal.

Under that earlier judgment (last April), Al Madina had been ordered to pay Global:
  1. US$10,011,224 dollars principal of a loan plus
  2. US$300,000 in compensation
If you remember the history, at that time, Al Madina noted that the  judgment was only preliminary and not final and that it would appeal.

Today it noted that on 8 September the relevant court had voided the MOIC Arbitration Tribunal's judgment and had referred the case to the Department of Experts for study.  Al Madina noted this meant that any steps taken by Global to enforce the Tribunal's judgment would be void.

For its part, Global retorted on the KSE (text Arabic only below), that the court judgment was preliminary and not final. And that Global would appeal.

In effect, the game of tag continues.

[12:39:50]  ِ.ايضاح من (جلوبل) بخصوص الدعوى رقم 2010/1675 ‏
يعلن سوق الكويت للأوراق المالية عطفا على اعلانه السابق بتاريخ 04-04-2010 ‏
والخاص بمنازعة التحكيم رقم 2010/41 والتي صدر فيها حكم من هيئة التحكيم ‏
التجاري فى غرفة صناعة وتجارة الكويت بالزام شركة المدينة للتمويل ‏
والاستثمار (المدينة) بان تؤدي لشركة بيت الاستثمار العالمي (جلوبل) ‏
مبلغ وقدره 10,011,224 دولار امريكي قيمة اصل الدين ،ومبلغ 300,000 دولار ‏
امريكي على سبيل التعويض .‏
تفيد شركة (جلوبل) بانه صدر فى الدعوى المذكورة ‏حكما بجلسة 08-09-2010 ‏
والذي جرى منطوقه حكمت المحكمة: ‏
ِ1-ببطلان حكم التحكيم الصادر عن مركز الكويت للتحكيم التجاري بتاريخ1-4-2010‏
لدعوى التحكيم لسنة 2010/41 .‏
ِ2-‏وفى موضوع الدعوى :باحالتها الى ادارة الخبراء ‏
كما افادت شركة (جلوبل) بان هذا الحكم ابندائيا تميهديا غير منهي للخصومة و
ليس نهائيا وانه سوف يتم الطعن عليه بالاجراءات القانونية المناسبة فيما ‏
اذا صدر فى غير صالح شركة بيت الاستثمار العالمي (جلوبل) ‏

All in the Family: UGB to Seek Central Bank of Kuwait Permission for Additional Three Months to Buy Burgan Bank Shares

(Readers are invited to select the photo they believe 
most appropriate in the context of this news item.)

You'll recall that motivated by impeccable almost geometric logic, UGB had decided earlier that it was a wise investment indeed to acquire a large chunk of Burgan Bank's shares. (Additional posts can be accessed using the tag "UGB").

UGB had obtained Central Bank of Kuwait approval which expired  4 September. It now reportedly will seek a three month extension as we learn from Al Watan citing informed sources.

To help the two parties consummate this "marriage", KIPCO will manage the contract which could include it kindly selling some of its own shares to UGB or "collecting" shares (presumably from the market).

There are no values like family values. 

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

International Investment Group - Succeeds in Repaying Some Loans

Update:  Apparently, Al Watan's sources were less informed that thought.  Or perhaps success is fleeting.  In any case IIG denied any "success" in repaying loans.  Such is life.

Informed sources have told Al Watan newspaper that IIG recently "succeeded" in repaying US$15 million to one of the Emirati banks and US$3 million to the holders of its sukuk.     As to the latter I didn't see any announcement on Nasdaq Dubai.  US$3 million is the amount of the periodic profit distribution (or  what we here at Suq Al Mal call "interest").

In any case an interesting definition of "success": meeting one's contractual obligations.   In other words, doing what one is expected to do.  Based on that definition, I've had a remarkably successful day today.  I personally had repeated successes in posting on this blog.  I also successfully consumed breakfast, lunch, and dinner today with intermittent successful cups of tea and coffee at other times - both of which, I will add, I successfully prepared. 

The source of liquidity is reported to have been the sales of (a) some shares presumably local, and (b) some real estate and non real estate assets outside the local market.

The article ends with a discussion of how the bulk of IIG's 2009 losses were its share of losses of subsidiary and affiliated companies as if this made some sort of difference.

DIC Asks for More Time

According to the Khaleej Times DIC has asked the lenders on its US$1.25 billion facility to extend the maturity until the end of November. Earlier it had been extended from the end of June until the end of September.  The article also states that the Company has circulated a draft rescheduling plan that envisions asset sales over a five to seven year plan.  

“They [DIC] are buying some time because markets go in cycles and currently assets are stressed and below their value,” said Haissam Arabi, chief executive and fund manager at Gulfmena Alternative Investments.
“We are on our way to reach a new cycle as soon as the fourth quarter...when we will see valuations and share prices expanding,” he said. DIC had already extended the $1.25 billion loan, which matured in June, to September 30. 
Sadly we learn that markets often undervalue assets from their true value (the value imagined by the holder) for long times.

And equally sadly, while it appears the Obama Administration's stimulus plan is working, it seems that tangible effects won't be felt until after the November elections.

Earlier post here.

JPMorgan's Dimon Excoriates Hedge Funds Lack of Intelligence

Unnamed Senior Managing Director at Undisclosed Hedge Fund

JPMorgan's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, known primarily for his "Fortress Balance Sheet", is also known for his suffer no fools, take no prisoners candor.

They say that many a senior officer of JPMC has been reduced to embarrassed impotence with a curt "If I want your opinion, I'll ask for it.  Just give me the facts".  Though to be fair, "they" are reported to say a lot of things.  Some of which others say are not true.

Today in characteristically blunt fashion, Mr. Dimon assailed Hedge Funds and their staff. 

Commenting on the new financial regulations (which his firm approves in principle but apparently not at the pesky level of implementation), Mr. Dimon was quoted by the Financial Times:
“It is highly ill-conceived, doesn’t reduce risk at all. As a matter of fact, it probably complicates it for some [customers]”.

He said hedge funds and other derivatives users would have to deal with two separate legal entities depending on the type of securities they trade.
As usual the most vulnerable members of our society are made to pay the price of poorly thought out rules.

As we have documented right here on this blog before, most employees of financial firms, including the most senior and highly paid, are really bad with maths

That seems to be the least of their problems.  Today we learn that they have trouble distinguishing between legal entities.  What might seem to those not familiar with the financial world a rather critical skill when buying bonds or equity.

It's unclear what shameful shortcomings are yet to be revealed.  Memory problems?  How does one remember which firm to call when there are so many?  Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan - is that one firm or two? Goldman Sachs, Sachs Fifth Avenue - one for socks, one for stocks, but which one for which? 

"I want to trade a bond. Do I call Goldman, Morgan or JPMC?  Or Staples?"  And imagine the plight of those poor souls who still have the Bear or Lehman on their speed dials.  Spending hours listening to the ring tone as they patiently wait for the answer that never comes.

To the many heartless critics who ascribed problems in the financial sector to greed. I hope you're ashamed of yourselves.  It turns out after all that these problems are all due to a lack of skills.  Rather basic skills.
  1. Excessive bonuses.  A case of greed?  No.  The chap who calculated  them messed up the transformation of the bonus percentage to a decimal.  "Do I move decimal point two spots to the right or the left?   Must be to the right because who but a socialist or worse would go to the left?" "From each according to his ability, to each according to his cupidity" turns out to have been a simple math error.
  2. The Great Recession (almost a Depression).  Again it was a question of not understanding the maths.  "You mean a guy with zero income can't pay back a loan?  Who'd have thought?  I figured that 20 years x 12 months x 0 equaled the loan principal plus interest."
Now, while Sarah Palin isn't my President yet, I have written her pleading that her Administration make its first priority doing something for the most vulnerable among us:  those who work in finance.  I call it the "No Banker Left Behind" Act. 

Who Audits the Auditors?

A great deal of reliance is placed on auditors by Boards, regulators and the providers of debt and equity capital.   But how can these parties know the quality of the auditors' work?  Particularly, those not inside the firms being audited?

Understanding What Auditors Do and What They Don't

The first step is understanding precisely what is the role of the auditor.  A "clean" audit opinion does not mean that there was no fraud in the company.  Nor is it a guarantee that the financials are 100% correct.  If you think about it, to get to that level of certainty, the auditor would have to be present at every business discussion and follow each transaction at the company from "cradle to grave".

What the auditors' work should mean ("should" because it doesn't always) is that the auditor has determined that there is a proper system in place that is functioning reasonably.  That includes determining that  proper accounting principles are applied on a consistent basis, that the assumptions and estimates which affect preparation of the financials are reasonable and that a check of assets and transactions (on a sample basis) doesn't raise any red flags.  And finally that the results of operations (income, assets etc) are reported fairly in sufficient detail.

Several factors influence the performance and results of an audit:
  1. Interpretation of accounting standards and principles:  strict, moderate or lax
  2. Level of skill, experience, knowledge of the partners and staff
  3. Management of the audit process, e.g., audit plan design, management of staff and workflow, quality of the review process
  4. Ability and willingness to challenge management's assumptions and estimates
  5. Ability and willingness to stand-up to pressure from the client or outside parties
  6. Ethics
The second is understanding that the international firms are structured as partnerships, generally at the country level.  So Firm XYZG in the UK is not exactly Firm XYZG in Bahrain.  For one thing each has its own dedicated staff with their own level of skills, knowledge and experience.  What that means is that there can be differences between one office and another of the same firm.  

Auditing the Auditors

So, how can an outsider audit the auditors?

Three ways:
  1. Use the work of regulators and others who review auditing firms' work.
  2. Review the end product (the financial report) for quality.  While management is ultimately responsible for the content of financials, the auditors have a role to play as well.  Is the report clear?  Or is the true nature of transactions difficult or impossible to figure out?  Does the auditor seem to be condoning presentation at the edge or beyond in terms of accounting for transactions?  Do you see a repeated pattern of "easy audits"?
  3. Prepare a list of auditors for distressed firms.   Then identify those companies where the problems were outright fraud, improper valuation of assets, aggressive booking of profits.  You're looking for  major occurrences and a repeating pattern. 
Let's turn to these examples one by one.

Using Regulatory Reports

Unfortunately, such regulatory or other review reports aren't available for every country.  To a large extent that limits the utility of this method.    But where they are available one may gain some insights.  While firms are separately incorporated national partnerships, there is some level of quality control, sharing of expertise among offices as well as tone setting from the top.

It's important to know that public reports of this nature are written in diplomatic language.  So it's important to understand the "code" used.  The concept is similar (but not identical) to that in the IMF Public Information Notices.   It's also very important to understand the basis for the reports conclusions.  In some cases the sample of audits reviewed is small in terms of the total number of audits done.  And may not have been selected using statistical sampling techniques.   In such cases one has to be careful not to draw a conclusion about just how widespread a failing is.

Reviewing the specific issues for a firm can give an idea of that firm's overall approach and perhaps pinpoint particular areas of concern.  One can usually classify the shortcomings as due to (a) lax interpretations of accounting principles, (b) staff inadequacies, (c) work process failures (design, implementation, monitoring and review of the audit), etc. 

This exercise can provide another level of insight.

Besides information on a specific firm, these reports may also disclose common problems.   If the reports on almost or all of the firms repeat the same themes, this can indicate both the relative frequency and severity of a problem.  So, for example. if all firms are being criticized for  audit failures on revenue recognition,  that's a much different situation than if only one firm is. 

On this topic today the UK's Financial Reporting Council, Professional Oversight Board released its  annual public reports on the audit work four major international accounting firms in the UK.  There's a very important word in that last sentence:  "public".  We can infer from this that there were private reports.  No doubt much more direct and to the point.

One firm has been singled out in the press.  But if you look at the individual reports you'll see shortcomings in such central areas as:
  1. Obtaining audit confirmations for assets (one would think in the post Parmalat world this wouldn't be occurring)
  2. Failure to attend the physical count and inspection of inventory - a very key step in understanding the financials of a manufacturing or retailing company.  If inventory is overstated so are profits.  
  3. Technical issues such as going concern qualifications
  4. Failure to complete partner performance/competence reviews
But note that the sample of audits reviewed was not chosen according to statistical sampling techniques.

What's potentially disturbing here is that these sort of things are being discovered in the UK.  One might assume that with the existence of the FRC POB, a legal system that makes it easy for lawsuits, the firms would be on their best behavior.  If this is the case, and it may well not be, what then is the standard in other less regulated more opaque markets like the GCC?

Reviewing the Financials Yourself

The second method, reviewing the financials yourself, is admittedly tricky.  You've got to have a bit of knowledge about accounting standards and presentation.

Here by way of example are some things that caught my eye.  And which two different observers might draw different conclusions.
  1. The 2009 report of an investment bank in Bahrain.  Late in 2009, in what some might see as a vindication of its proven business model, it announced the successful issuance of a US$100 million convertible murabaha.  It's only when one reads further into Note 16 that one learns that the murabaha was issued at a discount, though you won't see that word used in the financials.  Nor was it in the press release.  It's only at the end of Note 16 we learn that proceeds were only US$80 million.  Technically, is the information there? Yes.  But it must be teased out of the Note.   Like that table you bought from Ikea, some assembly is required.  Is this really in the spirit of  شفافية ?  Isn't this material information important to the readers of the financials, particularly shareholders? Shouldn't it be disclosed in plain unambiguous language?  Apparently, management and the bank's auditors thought otherwise.
  2. The 2009 annual report of a conventional investment bank in Bahrain, who some might describe as the grande dame of the industry.  During the year, it issued some US$500 million in preferred equity which is duly reflected in its books as of the end of its fiscal year.  But a look at Note 6  (Cash and Banks) shows that some US$381 million of that amount is as "cash in transit".  What this means is that the funds were received after the statement date.  They were not in the bank on the statement date.  Reflecting the full US$500 million as paid in equity seems a bit premature.  Perhaps this post balance sheet event is more properly reflected in a "Subsequent Event" Note.   Note 7  (Receivables) discloses that another US$110.5 million of the US$500 million was also not yet received.  So paid in equity has increased by US$500 million but only 1.7% of the amount was received by the statement day.  As in the case above, management and the auditors agreed on this presentation.   
  3. The 2006 annual report of the same investment bank.  A change in IAS #28 led to a US$354 million charge to retained earnings which dropped from US$528 million to US$170 million.  Previously, the bank had valued some of its investments in associates at "fair value" using only comparable transactions using an exemption for assets held for sale in the "near term".   The bank noted that "near term" was not precisely defined in the Standard.  It reasoned  that since private equity and similar investments are held for three to seven years, that period  must be what was meant by "near term".  Like the cash in transit  treatment above this seems a rather conveniently elastic determination.  The firm's auditors apparently had no real problem with this approach because they countenanced it for years.   But there's more.  With that exemption no longer applying, the assets became Fair Value Through Profit and Loss with the methods for determining fair value now also including comparable market values (not just actual transactions).  The result of this additional method?  A US$359 million charge (68% of 2005 retained earnings).  Whether this was properly classified as a prior period adjustment (direct to equity by passing the income statement)  statement) is a matter of debate.  But the size of the required adjustment does suggest that tests for impairment may also have benefited from generous assumptions.   You'll recall that when the restatement occurred (June 2006) macro economic conditions were not particularly depressed.  And that over the next two years (a relative boom particularly in the markets where the investments were concentrated) there was no subsequent write up of these assets, lending further credence to the adjustment being more of an impairment.
Involvement in Distressed Situations
  1. This is fairly straightforward.  The initial list can be compiled from the well known names in distress.  
  2. One then looks for cases where there was particularly egregious behavior.  And then sees if the same firm's name is turning up repeatedly. 
  3. Two very important points. 
  4. First, firms get into financial distress without there being any defects in audit or any unethical behavior on the part of management.  Bad things do happen to good people.   
  5. Second, everyone makes mistakes.  It's when one makes a lot of them that the red flag should go up.
  6. Over the past few years, we've seen some spectacular falls from grace.  While some of these were due to (a) poor management or (b) the global economic crisis (lower case "g", please), in others there was apparent manipulation of financials.
  7. In some of these cases, there have been allegations that loan portfolios were fictions of the imagination, that outside parties controlled the entities overriding what is described as a compliant/supine management, that internal documents, loan files,  minutes of board meetings were forged, etc.  If these allegations are true, there was massive sustained fraud.  Financial institutions may have been run as criminal enterprises.
  8. In other cases fair values turned out to be vanish with astonishing rapidity.  Often in  companies that engaged in a high volume of obviously dubious transactions with related parties - buying and selling stock in one another, playing musical chairs with assets.  On a scale to suggest that this behavior was the usual mode of conducting business.
  9. In some other cases, companies abused positions of trust and expropriated client and investor funds for their own use, stuffing those unfortunate parties with the losses or using assets of uncertain quality to extinguish amount certain liabilities.  Yet, the audit reports solemnly aver "We are not aware of any violations of local laws".  Though perhaps to be fair in some countries local law may not prevent such behavior.  It may instead be a sanctioned national sport as some of my "Southern" GCC friends claim is the case in one "Northern" country.
All of the above are of course indirect and not conclusive proof.  

But like the mosaic theory of research analysis (in which a bright analyst takes lots of little bits of information about a company to develop a powerful insight into its value), one can potentially do the same here.  And a sense of the quality of financials and audits can be a powerful (though not sole) input to an investment decision.

In the process one also has to apply appropriate weights to behavior.  So, for example, one might be more forgiving of  some shortcomings than others.  It's a bit easier to "understand"  an auditor  letting some window dressing pass than countenancing related party schemes to pump up investment values.  Though it's probably a good idea to be a bit more wary of an auditor who repeatedly demonstrates a "flexible" or "accommodating" approach than one that does not.  Each crossing of a "line" makes the next easier.