Showing posts with label Kuwait Stock Exchange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kuwait Stock Exchange. Show all posts

Monday 2 August 2010

Al Joman: Analysis of Loans by Kuwait Economic Sectors

Last month the fine folks at Al Joman Center for Economic Consultancy published a series of reports analyzing loans by economic sectors (as defined on the KSE) except for the Banks Sector.

Looking at aggregate sector data, we can get an idea of the relative size of a sector and thus its relative importance in the national economy. 

Also by looking at the relative borrowings by firms within a sector we can get a better understanding of the dynamics of that sector. Is the sector dominated by one or a few firms? Or is competition fairly widespread? Which firms are the major players in a sector? 

In several sectors the largest firms (measured by debt) are fairly small.  This is a reflection of the overall size of the Kuwaiti economy as well as government dominance in certain economic activities.

But, and there is always a "but" with AA, there are some factors which mean any conclusions we draw are imperfect: 
  1. Al Joman's reports are based only on companies whose shares are traded on the KSE. Private firms are not included. 
  2. We're using debt as a proxy for asset size. This ignores equity, though one might argue in a land devoted to OPM debt is not a bad proxy. 
  3. Not all firms have released current financial reports. 
  4. Companies in certain sectors have borrowed for offshore business and investments. Examples are companies in the Investment Sector or in the Services Sector, e.g., Zain or Agility. Thus, there is some external "noise" in the numbers.
But, (a word used almost as often on SAM as "interesting"), we can get a reasonable macro idea or directional perspective from the data we have.

Before we do, some technical "directions" to make your navigation of the reports as useful and easy as possible.  This KSE link will take you to the English language drop down menu for Sectors and the list of companies comprising each Sector. Each company is shown and its Stock Symbol Number. Those SSN's are important (especially for those who don't read Arabic, the language of Al Joman's reports) because the data in Al Joman's report for each Sector is roughly in SSN order. A click of the language button on the right عربي will get you to the Arabic language page. And this link to Al Joman's report page.

Let's begin with an overview via Al Joman's 7 September report - their initial report meant as a macro summary.

All amounts are in KD millions.

Sector31 Mar 1030 Jun 09
Investment  5,747  5,937
Insurance       17       30
Real Estate  1,978  1,835
Industry  1,845  1,853
Services  3,916  4,347
Food     171     198
Parallel Market       65       33
As you look in the individual Sector reports, you'll notice that the total loans do not exactly agree to those shown in the above table. The differences are relatively minor and, to repeat myself (another common occurrence at SAM) can be ignored as we are looking for a macro perspective and general "directional" trends. 

For those, like AA, for whom no nit is to small to pick, here is an updated table. No, in an uncharacteristic move, I didn't refoot the detail to make sure these totals tally to the detail.

Sector31 Mar 1030 Jun 09
Investment   5,668  5,937
Insurance        17       30
Real Estate   1,963  1,838
Industry   1,845  1,853
Services   3,936  4,355
Food      171     198
Parallel Market        66       33

Since the first table adds to 13,739 for 31 March 2010, presumably due to rounding, the difference  between the original and adjusted tables is "off" by one.   

In the Investment Sector (51 firms) of the 5 largest borrowers 4 are distressed. KIPCO being the one "happy" firm. 

Data in KD million as of 31 March 2010. Total Loans at 1Q10 were KD5,668.

FirmAmount% Total Loans
Investment Dar   96317.0%
KIPCO   61910.9%
Global Investment House   58810.4%
Aayan Leasing    416  7.3%
Aref Investment   339  6.0%


In the Insurance Sector (7 firms) only 3 firms have loans, خليج ت (Gulf Insurance) at KD10.8 and اهلية ت AlAhleia at KD5.3 account for 92.6% of the 1Q10 total. AlAhleia having reduced its borrowings by roughly KD11 from 2Q09. 

In the Real Estate Sector (36 firms) there is no similar dominance. The largest borrower is تمدين ع (Tamdeen) with KD219 or 11.1% of the total as of 1Q10. Al Joman has not reported on لؤلؤة (Lu'lu) Pearl Real Estate or صفاة عالمي (Safat Global). Safat last reported FYE08 when it had KD15. Pearl 3Q09 when it had KD41. If you're looking at the KSE Sector page, note there is no stock with symbol 407. Also Al Joman has جراند (Grand) out of order in its list – using the KSE Symbol Number order as the right one.

In the Industry Sector (28 firms), صناعات (National Industries Group or NI Group) dominates with KD969.7 or 52.6% at 1Q10. The next largest firm أنابيب (Kuwait Pipe Industries and Oil Services Company) has only KD163. 

In the Services Sector (59 firms) زين  (Zain) and أجيليتي (Agility) dominate accounting for roughly 48.6% of total loans at 1Q10 with KD1,556 and KD356 million respectively as compared to 2Q09 when they were 59.1% with KD2,164 and KD411 respectively.

In the Food Sector (6 firms) the aptly named اغذية "Food" (Americana) dominates with roughly 92.2% of 1Q10 loans with KD157.7. And as the slogan now goes "Americana – 100% Arabian".  And note that United Food Industries Group's symbol is almost the same as Americana's, except UFIG has the definite article "أل" in front, i.e., الغذائيةBe careful when placing that order with your broker!

In the Parallel Market (14 firms) صفاة عقار (Safat Real Estate) at KD19.8, ميدان (Maydan) at KD18.3 and عمار (Emaar) at KD11.2 account for 74.5% of 1Q10's total. Again note that the KSE list has gaps missing in the sequential order.  Symbols 2001, 2002, 2004, 2009, and 2016 are not used.

Sunday 1 August 2010

Kuwait Stock Exchange Investors' Guide

In case you missed it, the KSE has issued a set of Investors' Guides available here.

Some interesting information for those who use fundamental analysis for their stock selection.  Or want a quick introduction to a Kuwaiti company or sector.

Though like any wise Kuwaiti, I don't use fundamental analysis.  I ask a friend who has a friend who knows what the عراب is buying.  And more importantly when he's selling.  One can make a small fortune that way, though most times one has to start out with a large one.

Saturday 31 July 2010

International Investment Group - Releases 2009 Financials in Kuwait 11 Days After Dubai and Bahrain

As you recall, on 18 July IIG released its financials on the DFM and BSE.  Just this Thursday 29 July, it released financials on the KSE.  Announcement in Arabic below.

Perhaps this event was partially responsible for the recent AlQabas article   "Companies Disclose in Foreign Markets Prior to Kuwait Due to Weak Transparency Laws".

One hopes that Kuwaiti investors have access to the Internet or they may be second  in line to receive official announcements of rather material information.

[11:43:26]  مجلس ادارة (المجموعة د) يوصي بعدم توزيع ارباح عن عام 2009‏
يعلن سوق الكويت للأوراق المالية بان شركة المجموعة الدولية للاستثمار
ِ(المجموعة د) قد اعتمد البيانات المالية السنوية للشركة للسنة المالية
المنتهية في 31-12-2009، وفقا لما يلي:‏
ِ1) نتائج أعمال الشركة:‏
البند             السنة المنتهية في 31-12-09   السنة المنتهية في 31-12-08‏
الربح(الخسارة) (د.ك)           (36.613.067)          (21.488.623)‏
ربحية (خسارة)السهم(فلس كويتي)   (82.02)                  (49.40) ‏
اجمالي الموجودات المتداولة     35.153.190            54.615.998‏
اجمالي الموجودات              107.056.935           149.062.604‏
اجمالي المطلوبات المتداولة     83.008.705             30.258.046‏
اجمالي المطلوبات               83.624.358             84.578.526‏
اجمالي حقوق المساهمين        23.432.577             64.484.078‏
بلغ اجمالي الايرادات من التعاملات مع الاطراف ذات الصلة مبلغ 6.004.401 د.ك
بلغ اجمالي المصروفات من التعاملات مع الاطراف ذات الصلة مبلغ 3.050.192 د.ك
علما بأن بنك الكويت المركزي قد وافق على هذه البيانات المالية بتاريخ
ِ2) التوزيعات المقترحة:‏
قرر مجلس ادارة الشركة عدم توزيع ارباح عن السنه الماليه المنتهيه
في 31-12-2009، علما بان هذه التوصية تخضع لموافقة الجمعية ‏
العموميه و الجهات المختصه .‏
علما بان تقرير مراقبي الحسابات يحتوي على اساس عدم القدرة على ابداء الرأي
التالي :‏
اساس عدم القدرة على ابداء الرأي:‏
كما هو مبين في الايضاحات ارقام (2.1 - 12.5) من هذه البيانات المالية ‏
المجمعة فقد تخلفت المجموعة في الفترة اللاحقة عن سداد بعض ادوات الدين ‏
الاسلامية مما اسفر عن قيام بعض الاطراف الدائنة برفع قضايا ضد المجموعة
كما توقفت المجموعة عن سداد تكاليف التمويل المتعلقة بصكوك اسلامية ‏
بالاضافة الى مخالفة بعض الشروط الاخرى الواردة في اتفاقية الصكوك ، ‏
وقد ادى ما سبق الى ان اعتبرت المجموعة قد تخلفت عن سداد صكوك اسلامية ‏
وذلك وفقا للشروط المنصوص عليها في هذه الاتفاقية .‏
بالاضافة الى ذلك تعاني المجموعة من نقص في السيولة ، كما بلغت صافي ‏
خسائر المجموعة 36.6 مليون د.ك تقريبا عن السنة المنتهية في 31 ديسمبر 2009‏
ِ(21.5 مليون د.ك - 2008) كما تجاوزت الخسائر المتراكمة 75% من رأس مال
الشركة الام كما في 31 ديسمبر 2009 .‏
اقتراح مجلس ادارة الشركة الام وفقا لمتطلبات المادة 171 من قانون الشركات ‏
التجارية دعوة الجمعية العامة للمساهمين للموافقة على الاقتراح الخاص باعادة
هيكلة حقوق الملكية وذلك لاطفاء الخسائر المرحلة وتخفيض رأس المال ‏
ِ(ايضاح 22) كما تقوم المجموعة حاليا على وضع الخطط اللازمة والتفاوض
مع الممولين لاهادة هيكلة ديونها .‏
ان قدرة المجموعة على متابعى اعمالها على اساس مبدأ الاستمرارية تستند
بشكل كبير على انجاز هذه الخطط والمفاوضان بنجاح. لم نتمكن من الوصول ‏
الى ادلة تدقيق موثوق فيها وكافية لتحديد مدى قدرة المجمعة على النجاح في ‏
اعادة هيكلة حقوق الملكية والدين المستحق عليها .‏
ونظرا لجوهرية الامور المذكورة بفقرات اساس عدم القدرة على ابداء الرأي ،
فأننا لانبدي رأي على هذه البيانات المالية المجمعة المرفقة .‏
امور قانونية اخرى :‏
ما تم ذكرة في ايضاح رقم (6) فيما يتعلق بارصدة المرابحات والوكالات المدينة
مع اطراف ذات صلة والتي تتجاوز حد التركز الائتماني المسموح بة وفقا ‏
لتعليمات بنك الكويت المركزي .‏

Thursday 29 July 2010

All in the Family?: Heavy Trading In Kuwait International Bank Shares - Who's Buying?

AlQabas reports that in the past 10 business days some 90.1 million shares of KIB (8.6%)  have been traded.  KD 19.5 million worth in 1121 contracts.  Apparently someone is buying because the share price  is rising.  2 fils yesterday on 7.5 million shares.  Compared to the KSE which is on a downward trend closing 17.7 points lower.

The speculation is that someone is accumulating a position.

The article does note the requirement for disclosure when one's position hits the 5% mark.  Though I suppose several of one's friends could buy just under the "wire".

Maybe Tessio, Clemenza, Fredo, Tom Hagen, etc.   One suspects not Barzini or Tattaglia.

Friday 18 June 2010

KFIC - Annual General Shareholder Meeting Approves Capital Reorganization and RIghts Offering

KFIC published the results of its shareholders OGM held 16 May.
  1. Agreement not to distribute dividends for Fiscal 2009.
  2. Recapitalization by extinguishing 2009 losses of KD25,314,775 by utilizing General Reserves of KD6,371,986, Legal Reserves of KD8,948,771, and Capital in Excess of Par KD2,210,849.  The difference will be made up by reducing Paid in Capital from KD41,930,970 to 34,147,801.
  3. An increase in capital of KD20,000,000 by issuing 200,000.000 shares at KD0.100 per share by way of a priority rights issue.   This allows existing shareholders the absolute right to buy enough shares in the Rights Offering to maintain their respective percentage ownership of the Company.
  4. Election of a new board for a three year term.
The board is composed of: 
  1. Saleh Yacoub Yousef Al-Humaidi
  2. Riham Fuad Mohammad Al-Ghanim
  3. Mahmoud Fouad Mohammad Al-Ghanim
  4. Tariq Mishari AlBahar
  5. Mahmoud Emam Yaseen Owais
  6. Abdulmohsen Yagoub Yousef Al-Humaidi
  7. Fadwa Yacoub Yousef Al-Humaidi
This is pretty much the old Board except that Tariq appears to have replaced Wael Jassim Al-Sagar.

للشركة الكويتية للتمويل والاستثمار ( كفيك) قد انعقدت يوم الاربعاء ‏
الموافق 16-6-2010 واقرت الجمعيه العمومية بما يلي :‏
ِ1- عدم توزيع ارباح عن السنه المالية المنتهية في 31-12-2009 ‏
ِ2- الموافقة علي اطفاء الخسائر المرحله للعام 2009 بمبلغ 25.314.775 د.ك ‏
وذلك باطفاء رصيد الاحتياطي العام بمبلغ 6.371.986 د.ك والاحتياطي القانوني
بمبلغ 8.948.771 د.ك وعلاوة الاصدار بمبلغ 2.210.849 د. ك وتخفيض راس
المال من 41.930.970 د.ك الي 34.147.801 د.ك بمقدار الخسائر المتراكمة بعد
اطفائها من الاحتياطيات وعلاوة الاصدار والبالغه مبلغ وقدره 7.783.169 د.ك ‏
ِ3- الموافقة علي زيادة رأ س  مال الشركة من 34.147.801 د.ك الي ‏
ِ54.147.801 د.ك وذلك عن طريق طرح عدد 200.000.000 سهم للاكتتاب بقيمة
اسميه قدرها 100 فلس كويتى نقدا ودفعه واحدة وذلك للمساهمين المقيدين بسجلات
الشركة في نهاية اليوم السابق لبدء الاكتتاب في زيادة رأس المال ويكون لكل ‏
مساهم الاولويه بالاكتتاب بحصة من الاسهم الجديدة ومتناسبة مع عدد اسمهه .‏
ِ4- كما تم انتخاب اعضاء مجلس ادارة جدد للثلاث سنوات القادمة كما يلي :‏
السيد - صالح يعقوب يوسف الحميضي ‏
السيدة - رهام قؤاد محمد الغانم
السيد - محمود فؤاد محمد الغانم
السيد - طارق مشاري البحر
السيد - محمود امام ياسين عويس
السيد - عبد المحسن يعقوب يوسف الحميضي ‏
السيدة - فدوي يعقوب يوسف الحميضي ‏
وعليه سيتم تداول سهم الشركة بعد تخفيض رأس المال اعتبارا من اليوم الخميس ‏
الموافق 17-6-2010 ‏

Monday 14 June 2010

KFIC: Sana Juma Resigns as CEO

KFIC announced on the DFM today that its CEO Sana Alaa AdDin Tawfiq Juma had resigned effective 13 June 2010.  No word on her replacement.   There doesn't appear to be an announcement on the KSE.

You'll recall from an earlier post that AlQabas had predicted her imminent departure.  You can access other posts on this Company by using the label KFIC to search.

A helpful reader has pointed out in the comments below - that Ms. Juma also resigned from Kuwait International Bank's Board due to insufficient shares in KIB to serve as a director.

The Investment Dar - Update on Financial Stability Law Process

AlQabas reports that Ernst and Young has presented its preliminary report on TID to the Central Bank of Kuwait.  It's expected that its final report will be presented in July.  The Central Bank will then study both reports to determine if TID is solvent and should be allowed to used the Financial Stability Law to implement its restructuring.  After completing that study, it will make its recommendation to the Special FSL Court.

The article goes on to note that if the Plan is approved the Central Bank will retain a monitoring role.  If the Company fails to abide by the restructuring, then the Central Bank would recommend whether TID should be given a second chance or should be put into liquidation.

I suspect that this means that a final decision on TID's entry under the FSL will take place in late July or early August.  A September implementation - as discussed earlier in the Kuwaiti press - might take place.  One potential timing issue could be Ramadan - which is expected to begin somewhere just before mid August.

Earlier posts on the Financial Stability Law can be accessed using the label "Financial Stability Law".

Thursday 10 June 2010

KFIC - Yet More Details on KD145 Million Rescheduling

KFIC issued another press release today on the Kuwait Stock Exchange - text below Arabic only as usual.

Key points:

There will be an ordinary general meeting of shareholders on 16 June to approve an increase in capital by KD20 million (200 million new shares at KD0.100 each).   This will take capital to KD54,147,801 after an earlier decrease (probably the capitalization of losses) to KD34,147,801.
The first principal payment of KD6,783,000 represents the following:
  1. KD2,000,000 on Tranche 1.
  2. KD3,813,000 on Tranche 3.
  3. KD 970,000 on Tranche 4.

[8:43:39]  ِ.ايضاح من (كفيك) بخصوص بعض نقاط اعادة الهيكلة ‏
يعلن سوق الكويت للاوراق المالية عطفا على اعلانه السابق بتاريخ 08-06-2010 ‏
والخاص بالشركة الكويتية للتمويل والاستثمار (كفيك) لاعادة جدولة جميع ‏
مديونيات الشركة ،تفيد الشركة بان زيادة راس المال المذكورة فى بنود اعادة ‏
الهيكلة هى نفسها التي اوصى بها مجلس ادارة الشركة بتاريخ 11-05-2010 ‏
للجمعية العمومية والتي ستنعقد يوم 16-06-2010 بزيادة راسمال الشركة ‏
بعد التخفيض من 34,147,801 د.ك الى 54,147,801 د.ك وذلك باصدار ‏
ِ200,000,000 سهم جديد بسعر اكتتاب 100 فلس ،ما يعادل مبلغ وقدره ‏
ِ20,000,000 د.ك .‏
وقد تم الانتهاء من التوقيع على اعادة الجدولة بتاريخ 06-06-2010 ،
وقامت  الشركة بسداد مبلغ وقدره 6,783,000 د.ك وذلك على النحو ‏
التالي :‏
ِ1- 2,000,000 د.ك فقط يمثل القسط الاول من الشريحة الاولى.‏
ِ2-3,813,000 د.ك فقط يمثل كامل الشريحة الثالثة .‏
ِ3- 970,000 د.ك يمثل القسط الاول من الشريحة الرابعة .‏
وافادت الشركة بانها سوف تقوم بموافاة ادارة السوق باخر المستجدات ‏
فى حينها .‏

Wednesday 9 June 2010

KFIC - Details on KD 145 Million Debt Rescheduling

KFIC issued a press release on the KSE early this morning (copy below, as usual Arabic only) with details of its rescheduling.

Here's a quick translation.
All outstanding loans and facilities are being converted into a single loan.
The loan is secured by all the assets of KFIC and is divided into 4 Tranches.
  1. Tranche 1:  KD64 million due in quarterly installments over five years with final maturity 31 December 2014.  Secured by the finance receivables of the Company.
  2. Tranche 2:  KD71.467 million secured by the Company's listed and unlisted securities portfolio.  Repaid as assets are sold with final maturity no later than 31 December 2012.
  3. Tranche 3:  KD3.813 million due on signing.
  4. Tranche 4:  KD5.720 million quarterly installments due in the next 1.5 years.

[8:48:49]  ِ.ايضاح من (كفيك) بخصوص اعادة هيكلة ديون الشركة ‏
يعلن سوق الكويت للاوراق المالية بان الشركة الكويتية للتمويل والاستثمار ‏
ِ(كفيك) افادت بانها قامت باعادة جدولة جميع مديونياتها والبالغ قيمتها 145 ‏
مليون د.ك الى قرض واحد مجمع ،حيث تم التوصل بين كلا من الشركة ‏
والبنوك المقرضة (المحلية والاجنبية) الى الشروط النهائية للجدولة وذلك ‏
على النحو التالي: ‏
ِ1- تحويل كافة القروض القائمة الى قرض واحد مجمع .‏
ِ2-يكون القرض مضمون بكامل موجودات المجموعة (الشركة الكويتية ‏
للتمويل والاستثمار وشركاتها التابعة )  ‏
ِ3-زيادة راسمال الشركة .‏
ِ4- يتم تقسيم اجمالي مديونية الشركة الكويتية للتمويل والاستثمار الى اربعة ‏
شرائح كالتالي: ‏
ِ- الشريحة الاولى :اجمالي قيمة 64,000,000 د.ك على ان يتم السداد على فترة ‏
ِ5 سنوات تنتهي فى 31-12-2014 بدفعات ربع سنوية تبدا من تاريخ توقيع العقد ‏
مضمونة بمحفظة مدينو التمويل للشركة .‏
ِ-الشريحة الثانية :باجمالي قيمة 71,467,000 د.ك مضمونة بجميع ‏استثمارات ‏
الشركة المدرجة وغير المدرجة على ان يتم السداد عند بيع اى اصل من اصول ‏
الشركة بمدة اقصاها 31-12-2012.‏
ِ-الشريحة الثالثة :باجمالي قيمة 3,813,000 د.ك يتم سدادها عند التوقيع .‏
ِ-الشريحة الرابعة :باجمالي قيمة 5,720,000 د.ك يتم سدادها فى خلال سنة ونصف ‏
من تاريخ التوقيع على العقد بدفعات ربع سنوية ومضمونة ايضا بجميع استثمارات ‏
الشركة .‏

Tuesday 1 June 2010

International Investment Group: KPMG Report Ready But 2009 Financials Not Approved

IIG issued a press release on NasdaqDubai advising that while KPMG had completed its interim report, the Company could not release it yet because the Central Bank of Kuwait had not yet approved IIG's 2009 audited financials.

That latter statement indicates that the news in those financials is going to be what we in the financial world describe as "disappointing".

Here's the text of the press release:
Reference to the subject above and our announcement dated 22/04/2010, relating to the interim KPMG  report, to be received on 31/05/2010 and submitted to Sukukholders, which includes a preliminary  assessment of the company’s financial position and the options available to the company. 
Kindly be advised that KPMG has finalized the report referred to above, but IIG is yet to receive Central  Bank of Kuwait’s approval of its financial statements for the fiscal year ending December 31st, 2009.  Accordingly, IIG is not in a position to release the aforementioned report, which includes references to the  31st December financial statements, before obtaining such approval. 

We shall provide the interim report to all sukukholders who has signed confidentiality agreement, as soon  as the Central Bank’s approval is received.
IIG's Audited Finacial Sattements for the year ended as on 31st Dec 2009, shall be released to the market upon receiving Central bank of Kuwait's approval.
Earlier post here.

Thursday 27 May 2010

The Curious Case of Al Thouraia Project Management Company WLL

This company has come up more than once in earlier posts on Global Investment House ("GIH"). 

Today it's time to take a closer look. 

Documents related to the Offering of AlThouraia can be found here. If that doesn't work, go to GIH's website.  Click on the Investor Relations tab. And then Global News. And then scroll down to 2 June 2008.

On 2 June 2008, with great fanfare GIH announced this KD180 million (US$630 million or SAR 2.5 billion) private placement.
Global announced the launch of Al-Thouraia Project Management Company's capital increase to KD180 million.  Al-Thouraia shall be utilized as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to invest its whole capital in Mazaya Saudi for Commercial Investment Company "Mazaya Saudi", which has been incorporated in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and will be managed by Mazaya Holding Company "Mazaya". Global Acts as Lead Manager Al-Thouraia Project Management Company. Mazaya Saudi will operate as a real estate development company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in order to capitalize on the opportunities available in the Saudi Arabian real estate sector, which is known to be a vibrant, growing and a lucrative market.  Mazaya Saudi will have a paid-up capital of SR2.5bn.  Mazaya Saudi shall conduct its business in accordance with Islamic Shari'a.
The Al Thouraia Summary outlined the attractiveness of the deal:
  1. The market opportunity in Saudi. 
  2. Strategic partners from Kuwait (Al Mazaya Holding) and Saudi (Abdullatif Alissa Group and Abdulaziz AlAjlan) plus some unnamed other strategic investors. As noted in GIH's press release above, to include Global itself. 
  3. Excellent promised financial results: An IRR of 20.1% with solid cashflow -- an average dividend payout ratio of 60%. All achieved with moderate use of debt. Leverage ratio (no more than 35% at its peak). 
  4. As well as the prospects of a liquidity enhancing listing on the Saudi Stock Exchange.
As is common, the "teaser" was accompanied by a Private Placement Memorandum . That link will take you to the copy posted on GIH's website. Surprising for a deal this size, this document is rather disappointing. Certainly, this is not as polished or professional as efforts by say Arcapita or Investcorp – two firms that I would expect GIH considers its peers. Perhaps, this is an earlier version which was revised later. Perhaps, this fundamentally reflects on the relative state of Kuwaiti regulations vis-à-vis some other GCC states?

As I read it, some items caught my eye. And some did not – that is, while I was expecting them, they didn't appear. 

The language and content of the Disclaimer need work and tightening. No doubt for some a technical quibble. But how one deals with the details is often a good indication of how one deals with the big picture.  The sort of thing a professional looks at to gauge the professionalism of his or her competitor.

The Term Sheet is rather short and incomplete. It should discuss all significant aspects of the deal, thus, providing the investor with a summary snapshot of the transaction in a single place. Besides the financial aspects, the identity of major parties, relationships/contracts among them, expenses and fees, length of the Offer including various steps, e.g., Offer Period, Allocations, Issuance.  And so forth

The Saudi Real Estate Market section does not discuss major items such as:
  1. Laws and Regulations affecting a landlord's right and ability to increase rentals, including requirements, timing, procedures.
  2. Commercial Issues:  The types of leases commonly used in the Kingdom, e.g., short or long term, escalation and early termination/cancellation clauses, whether operations and maintenance are separate from rental and what controls exist on increases in those critical cash outflows, etc.  The prevalence of rebates, decorating/finishing allowances to tenants, etc in the market.
  3. Legal  Issues including mechanisms for challenges to rental and fee increases.  The ability, procedures and timing to evict of clients in breach, etc. 
  4. Status of Mazaya Saudi.  There is a disconnect between the press release  ("has been incorporated") and the PPM ("being established").  A small point admittedly.  One simply explained no doubt.  But one wonders why the two weren't conformed.
  5. Mazaya Holding Kuwait:  On Page 25 we learn that Mazaya Saudi will be "positioned to leverage on Mazaya Holding (Kuwait's) competitive market advantage". One that provides as we are told an "absolute advantage against competition". Certainly an enviable position to be in for this Kuwaiti Company not only in its home market but in what is for it the relatively new market of Saudi Arabia.  On Pages 26 -28, we get more details on the remarkable Mazaya Holdings. Formed in January 2004, it has 18 projects – of which it has completed a grand total of 4.  Of the 4, there is the 22 storey Global Tower, 32 villas in the Al Maha Project, the Al Roya Tower and 6 buildings in Dubai Healthcare City.  With these major accomplishments under its belt, it already enjoys an absolute advantage. Imagine its market position today. I'm guessing The Donald may be its latest apprentice. He's going to have to hustle to make the cut!  Or "You're Fired!"
  6. Strategic Shareholders:  We also get a partial glimpse into the proposed shareholding structure. There's a list of three entities and the promise of other strategic investors. Perhaps for competitive or business confidential reasons the target holdings of each are not disclosed, though one might expect a prospective shareholder to wonder just what level of financial commitment these entities were going to make to the venture. 
  7. Management:  There's no mention of the proposed members of the Board and CEO, their CVs and  perhaps more importantly what rights the investor has in choosing them. Recall that the investor is a unit holder in Al Thouraia and Al Thouraia is the shareholder in Saudi Mazaya. Al Thouraia as an entity will vote for the Board at Saudi Mazaya.  And that is precisely where the assets and cash generation take place.  As an aside, I'd guess (note that word) that this structure is used to "get around" Saudi Capital Markets Authority regulations on floating shares in Saudi companies. The share flotation is outside the Kingdom and therefore outside the CMA's regulations. 
  8. Investor/Shareholder Rights: The usual enumeration of rights is missing. Such things as voting for the board and management, pre-emptive rights, requirements for the mandatory provision of periodic information (financials and otherwise) by the company as well as rights to demand information.  
  9. Use of Proceeds: No separate page. No real discussion. From Page 7 we see there is a 1% placement fee and 4% marketing fee – both non refundable. Unclear if this means that GIH earns 4% even if it doesn't place the Units? 
Risk Factors are Jenny Craig slim. 

At one level to the point of being obscure. I'm really not sure but it seems that what is being said regarding Regulatory Risk is that the investor only has to fear regulations that are "vague and incomplete in nature". Would that mean that a clear imposition of tax or a definitive cancellation of a permit would therefore be benign? 

On the other hand there are some very clear and very true statements here, such as "Future Performance is Difficult to Predict". 

Mostly though  there's a lot that I would have expected to see but didn't.  And to be fair it's not only in GIH's PPM but in many many others issued not just in the GCC:
  1. A clear statement that this is a speculative investment.  If you build it, they may not come.  This is after all spec real estate.  New developments. 
  2. Contractor performance issues:  If you hire them they may not build on time or to specification. 
  3. Availability and sufficiency of utilities and other public services. If you build it, you might not have electricity, water, sewage. And maybe no or  inadequate roads into the area. 
  4. Re-letting rental risk. If they move out, you may get less rent from the new tenant.
  5. A wider definition of competition – more than price:  quality, location, amenities, etc. 
  6. Increases in operating and maintenance costs above rental increases. 
  7. Structural Issues: an SPV in Kuwait stands between the investor and the income generating property in Saudi. Repatriation of funds. Potential tax issues. FX risks. 
  8. Potential Conflicts of Interest:  I was surprised that this wasn't discussed since Mr. Omar El-Quqa, EVP at GIH, was also a member of the Board at Mazaya Holding. As we learn in this press release from July 2007, GIH then sold some 48 million shares in MH, but remained the second largest shareholder with 5.5%. Perhaps, between July 2007 and June 2008, there were further changes in shareholding. I didn't see anything on GIH's website, nor in its first three quarterly reports for 2008. But I may have missed something. Depending on the various stakes the proposed Strategic Partners might hold, it would seem that good form would require some contemplation of potential conflicts of interest.In any case, I suppose we can conclude that GIH saw no conflicts of interest nor any potential for them and so rest comfortably. At the end of 2008, GIH reported in Note 19 (a) that it owned 21% of Mazaya. Note this year end shareholding is well after the private placement. And it may have been a Victor Kiam moment. "I liked the razor so much I bought the company". Having done the deal and seen more evidence of MH's absolute advantage, it may have seemed like a good deal to reacquire some shares.  In which case perfectly innocent.
  9. Material Contracts:  Summary of contracts with Mazaya Holding and any other parties.  All fees they are entitled to. On Page 35 we see they get an annual fee of 0.75% of paid up capital. KD1.35 million a year seems a rather small incentive for MH to apply its "absolute advantage" for Mazaya Saudi instead of for its own projects where it gets to keep the lion's share of the profits.
As we know GIH's placement effort was successful, though I couldn't find a press release on GIH's website. In fact there seems to have been almost total radio silence on the topic going forward. No mention in its 2008 annual of its great success in raising KD180 million. No press release. But then I may have not looked hard enough. The only GIH driven publicity I could find was a Bloomberg press item referring to advertisements that GIH placed in the Kuwaiti press in November 2009. Those trumpeted the fact that the Appeals Court had ruled it was not guilty in a civil case brought by a Japanese real estate firm regarding this transaction. There were, to be fair, the mandatory disclosures in GIH's financial reports.

Subsequent to the Offer, Al Thouraia placed roughly KD83 million with GIH in an "Islamic" transaction. A KD43 million deposit was also placed with a Kuwaiti bank. It's unclear to me why the funds were not immediately transferred to Saudi Mazaya. The 2 June 2008 press release was clear. "Al-Thouraia shall be utilized as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to invest its whole capital in Mazaya Saudi for Commercial Investment Company "Mazaya Saudi". And we're told on Page 24 that among its other activities, Mazaya Saudi would engage in Portfolio Management to "amplify shareholder value". No mention that Al Thouraia would do more than invest in Mazaya Saudi.  So shouldn't investments, if any, be in Mazaya Saudi's name?  The need for the funds in Saudi would seem to be manifestly urgent. The PPM (Page 24) discloses that Saudi Mazaya intended to begin work on three projects the first year. What better preparation for that than to get the funds in Saudi so they would be ready to be employed?

Perhaps, out of caution in a deteriorating market, the Board at Al-Thouraia decided it would be wise to keep the money in Kuwait where it would be safer. Perhaps just about the same time that the Board at Global MENA Financial Assets decided to park a significant portion of its assets and liquidity at GIH. Two rather strong market endorsements of the financial stability and security of GIH. A possible example of the market phenomenon known as "a flight to quality". And as I've noted before both entities were well positioned to well understand the financial condition of GIH.

Anyways let's follow the story using GIH's 2009 financials
  1. Note 24 Page 57: It seems that a KD43.3 million AlThouraia deposit with a local bank was offset by that bank against a loan made by that bank to GIH. It's unclear to me what the legal basis for this offset is. Did AlThouraia guarantee the loan made by the bank to GIH? If not, how does the bank cross legal entity lines? Particularly, if GIH only owned about 83.36% of AlThouraia, what is the basis for stiffing the minority shareholders on the offset? There are all sorts of theoretical possibilities. And without picking one, let me just list some of them. Was the problem at the outset, when the deposit was placed? Perhaps, Kuwait doesn't have an ironclad "trust" law covering such deposits? And GIH placed the deposit with the bank "in trust for Al Thouraia" only to be rudely surprised later? Perhaps, there was an innocent clerical error about the name of the bank account holder when it was set up? Perhaps, the funds were mistakenly described as collateral? I'd appreciate a post from anyone out there with any insight on this. 
  2. Note 25 Page 57: GIH acquired Al Thouraia through an asset swap – a non cash transaction. The assets exchanged are described on Page 58. It would be interesting to know if Al Thouraia's Articles of Association provided for Al Thouraia conducting the sort of activity that this asset swap implies. Or if Al Thouraia's shareholders either approved this step and/or amended the Articles. In any case through this transaction, GIH acquired control.  In so doing it added KD28 million or so to its cash balance, and removed KD83 million in borrowings (from Al Thouraia) from its balance sheet on consolidation. Note GIH did not necessarily obtain control over that cash. And it's likely that the KD83 million in debt remained a legal obligation of GIH.  In addition to these benefits, GIH's shareholding also implied the right to disconnect the feeding tube.
As we learn in Note 5 to the Company's 1Q10 financials, on 14 March 2010, GIH liquidated Al Thouraia recognizing a KD0.824 million accounting profit, while experiencing a KD18.725 million cash outflow. What explains this rather perplexing move by a Company desperately in need of cash to pay hungry creditors? The liquidation extinguished GIH obligations in the amount of KD125.6 million. The rationale for KD18 million tradeoff is suddenly a lot clearer. 

It also closes the book on Al Thouraia. A story which GIH no doubt wishes to forget as well hopes that its clients and the market will as well.

As indicated by the title, a curious case indeed.  And one subject to many interpretations.

Gulf Finance House - Resumes Trading After Providing Market Critical Information as Determined by KSE

Yesterday the KSE suspended GFH from trading because it hadn't published the results of its Board Meeting.

[8:54:42]  ِ.وقف التداول باسهم (تمويل خليج) لعدم تزويدنا بنتائج اجتماع مجلس الادارة ‏
يعلن سوق الكويت للاوراق المالية انه قد تم وقف التداول باسهم بيت التمويل ‏
الخليحي (تمويل خليج) نظرا لعدم تزويدنا بنتائج اجتماع مجلس الادارة وسوف
يستمر الوقف لحين موافاتنا بنتائج اجتماع مجلس الادارة .‏

Today GFH published the results of its Board Meeting.  

With the following critical information supplied, trading in GFH's shares can begin again:
  1. The Board met on 25 May.
  2. It held positive discussions concerning the condition of GFH in the market.
  3. The Board encouraged the executive management to continue its strategy of diversifying income in the fields of construction and the development of financial institutions in the MENA region.
  4. The management noted its continuing efforts to sell assets according to what had been announced to the market earlier.
  5. The Board discussed and roundly condemned the many rumors circulating in the market.
  6. The Board and the management are focused on strengthening the bank and expending every effort to achieve the best results for shareholders and investors.
And at roughly 10:20 this morning (Kuwait Time), GFH's shares resumed trading with this critical information in the hands (and no doubt the minds) of traders and investors.  I guess the KSE is still smarting from having been called out for past lackadaisical supervision.

[10:9:17]  ِ. نتائج اجتماع مجلس ادارة بيت التمويل الخليجي ‏
يعلن سوق الكويت للأوراق الماليه أن بيت التمويل الخليجي أفاد بالكتاب ‏
التالي نصه :‏
أن مجلس ادارة البنك قد اجتمع يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 25-مايو-2010 و عقد
مباحثات ايجابيه حول وضع بيت التمويل الخليجي في السوق . و قد شجع
المجلس ادارة البنك على مواصلة استراتيجية تنويع الايرادات من خلال ‏
سجل البنك الحافل في مجال انشاء و تطوير المؤسسات الماليه في منطقة الشرق
الاوسط و شمال افريقيا ، كما أوصى الادارة بمواصلة جهودها تجاه مبيعات
الاصول وفقا لما تم ابلاغه للسوق من قبل .‏
و قد ناقش المجلس و ندد بالاشاعات المغرضه الكثيره التى تم تداولها مؤخرا ‏
في السوق و مازال مجلس ادارة البنك و فريق الادارة يركزون  على دعم
البنك و بذل كافة الجهود الممكنه لتحقيق أفضل المصالح للمساهمين
و المستثمرين .‏
و عليه سوف تعاد الشركة الى التداول بعد عشر دقائق من نزول الاعلان .‏

Lulu (Pearl Real Estate): 3Q09 Year To Date Losses of KD6.8 Million

Pearl released its 30 September 2009 figures today (announcement below in Arabic).  Total equity as of that date KD12.1 million.

The lengthy text following the numbers details comments made by the auditors regarding the validity of the going concern assumption.
  1. You'll note a figure of some US$727.7 million (KD207.9 million).  This relates to a derivatives transaction with a local bank.  
  2. It wasn't possible to determine the fair value of some KD9.1 million in assets.
  3. The rest deals with missing financial information from subsidiaries.
  4. That the Chula Vista Project (California) is being liquidated.  No interim report from the liquidator.
  5. That some of the data in the Company's report on subsidiaries is based on management prepared financials.
For those that don't know Pearl is a long established Kuwaiti real estate company founded some time in the mid to late 1970's.   Here's a link to its page at the KSE.  There's something not right (even for Kuwait) in the shareholding numbers which as given add to over 100%.  In any case the Government Debt Settlement Office appears to own somewhere over 40% and AlZumorrodah Holding over 50%.

[14:28:59]  بلغت (خسارة) (لؤلؤة) (6.7) مليون د.ك لل9 اشهر المنتهية فى 30-09-09 ‏
يعلن سوق الكويت للأوراق المالية أن مجلس ادارة شركة لؤلؤة الكويت العقارية ‏
ِ(لؤلؤة) قد اجتمع يوم الاربعاء الموافق 27-01-2010 ، واعتمد البيانات ‏
المالية المرحلية للشركة للفترات المنتهية فى 30-09-2009 ،وفقا لما يلي:‏
نتائج اعمال الشركة: ‏
الفترات الحالية:‏
البند                 فترة الثلاثة اشهر                 فترة التسعه اشهر
ِ                    المنتهية فى 30-09-09      المنتهية في 30-09-09 ‏
ِ الربح (د.ك)                (1.992.796)                (6.777.216)‏
ربحية السهم(فلس كويتي)     (7.92)                        (26.95)‏
اجمالي الموجودات المتداولة   ---                      21.728.238‏
اجمالي الموجودات             ---                      57.691.226‏
اجمالي المطلوبات المتداولة    ---                      41.681.875‏
اجمالي المطلوبات              ---                      45.561.718‏
اجمالي حقوق المساهمين       ---                      12.129.508‏
بلغ اجمالي الايرادات من التعاملات مع الاطراف ذات الصلة مبلغ 1.131.344 د.ك
بلغ اجمالي المصروفات من التعاملات مع الاطراف ذات الصلة مبلغ 0 د.ك ‏
الفترات المقارنة:‏
البند                 فترة الثلاثة اشهر                 فترة التسعة اشهر
ِ                    المنتهية فى 30-09-08      المنتهية في 30-09-08 ‏
ِ الربح (د.ك)            (6.984.020)               5.090.363‏
ربحية السهم(فلس كويتي)      (27.77)                    20.23‏
اجمالي الموجودات المتداولة   ---                      47.387.029‏
اجمالي الموجودات             ---                      85.095.325‏
اجمالي المطلوبات المتداولة    ---                      45.470.223‏
اجمالي المطلوبات              ---                      50.748.724‏
اجمالي حقوق المساهمين       ---                      34.346.601‏
علما بان تقرير مراقبي الحسابات يحتوي على اساس النتيجة المتحفظة التالية:‏
ِ1-كما هو مبين فى ايضاح رقم (18) حول المعلومات المالية المرحلية المجمعة ‏
المرفقة قامت شركة لؤلؤة الكويت العقارية بالدخول فى معاملات مشتقات مالية ‏
مع احد البنوك المحلية،وقد قام البنك بتقييد مبلغ 727,668,040 دولار امريكي ‏
على حسابات الشركة ،ان اسس احتساب هذا المبلغ غير متاحة لنا وحتى تاريخ ‏
اصدار المعلومات المالية المرحلية المجمعة المرفقة لم يتم التوصل الى حل ‏
لهذا الامر .ولا يمكن حاليا تحديد نتيجة هذا الامر .‏
ِ2- ولم يكن من الممكن تحديد القيمة العادلة ‏لاستثمارات متاحة للبيع بمبلغ ‏
ِ9.053.115 د.ك، ‏لعدم توافر قيمة عادلة ‏كما فى تاريخ بيان المركز ‏
المالي المرحلي المجمع المكثف .‏
ِ3- لم ‏تقم شركة لؤلؤة الكويت العقارية - ش.م.ك (مقفلة) باحتساب حصتها من
نتائج اعمال شركاتها التابعة (بيرل اوف اتلانتا،بيرل اوف فرانس)‏
ِ(سبورتنج ريل استيت)‏ (يونيفيرسال يونايتد رييل استييت كونسولتانسي)‏
ِ(سكول رييل استييت)، و ذلك لعدم توفر معلومات ماليه مرحلية ‏
او بيانات مالية معدة من قبل الادارة .‏
ِ4- لقد تم تقديم طلب تصفية الشركة التابعة (شولا فيستا كابيتال)، وحتى تاريخ
اصدار المعلومات المالية المرحلية المجمعة لم يتم تزويدنا بتقرير المصفي.‏
ِ5- قامت ‏ شركة لؤلؤة الكويت العقارية - ش.م.ك (مقفلة)‏ وشركاتها التابعة ‏
باحتساب حصتها من نتائج اعمال شركاتها التابعة غير مجمعة، شركة نور ‏
لادارة المشاريع - ذ.م.م. وشركة لؤلؤة التعمير للتجارة العامة والمقاولات
ِ- ذ.م.م. بناءا على بيانات مالية معدة من قبل الادارة .‏
تأكيد على امر :‏
نود ان نشير الى الايضاح رقم 2(أ) حول المعلومات المالية المرحلية ‏
المجمعة المرفقة ، والذي يوضح قدرة شركة لؤلؤة الكويت العقارية ‏
ش.م.ك (مقفلة) على الاستمرارية .