Friday 1 October 2010

The Investment Dar - Changes to Restructuring Plan?

Al Qabas reports that this Wednesday, TID held a meeting in Dubai with the Creditors Co-ordinating Committee and Ernst & Young.  This is the first meeting between the CCC and E&Y.  Earlier the CCC had submitted a letter to E&Y asking that it look out for the interests of lenders as well as the owners of the Company.   

As you'll recall, E&Y has been tasked by the Central Bank to perform the technical study required under the FSL as part of the CBK's determination of whether to recommend that the Special Court make the final decision to either allow TID the protection of the FSL or deny it.  So E&Y is working for the CBK and not the lenders or the owners/borrower.

What's intriguing is that the article also mentions that the CCC has been pressuring the Company to inform it of changes and amendments in the restructuring plan which were made without the knowledge of the lenders.  If you've read earlier posts here, you'll recall that I mentioned in March that the FSL gave the CBK the right to impose additional conditions on the borrower and amend the plan in order to improve the probability of the borrower's performance.  

In this situation, the CBK holds the trump card.  It's "yes" vote is necessary for obtaining entry under the FSL.  Given that a liquidation under local laws would be messy and greatly reduce recovery prospects, both TID and the lenders are going to find it difficult to say "no" - though I suppose they can try to negotiate.   The CBK can counter by citing the report of E&Y - the independent experts asked to assess TID's financial condition and the plan.

It's also important to note that Al Qabas' account is only as good as its sources.  Last July the newspaper reported that E&Y was submitting a "final" report.   Though I suppose one possibility is that E&Y's report at that time said that the Company's  financial condition meant the original plan wouldn't "work" and needed to be modified. 

Absent a direct link into the creditor group, we'll have to wait to see what develops.  If any creditor out there reads this as an invitation to comment, he'd be right. Or, if the creditor prefers, make contact outside the blog via our contact form.

The article also mentions that during the  meeting Brother Adnan, TID's Chairman/CEO, reportedly advised the lenders that he had consulted God before founding the company.  «استخار الله ثم اصدر اوامره في تأسيس شركة تحوي بعض الاصول» .  Subsequent events would appear to confirm that he failed to maintain subsequent contact for management advice.  Or perhaps ignored what advice he did receive. Or perhaps he got a "wrong number" in his original contact

Some of the creditors expressed their disapproval over some of the decisions that Mr. Al Musallam had taken.  After a closed debate, he left the meeting and did not return, leaving the CCC and creditors with an advisor.  Some creditors are reported to have objected that the advisor had no legal status. He was not an officer of TID.  He retorted that he had a position in one of the external entities (whatever that means).

Things aren't going well.  

It seems that relations between TID and its lenders are difficult.  Mr. Al Musallam should remember that during the rescheduling the lenders will be poking their noses into his business.  While the restructuring covenants are no doubt "arranged with the greatest of care in the hopes that the cashflow soon would be there", there will be times when interpretations of meaning will arise.  Disgruntled creditors can read things more strictly if their backs are up.


Anonymous said...

Are you related to Adnan? , he is the only one you always refer to as Brother Adnan ……

By the way Adnan has BA in psychology from Kuwait University.
I guess a lot of Islamic Finance companies and banks follow the Science of Istikhara and the art of manipulation.

Abu 'Arqala said...


Guess you don't hang out with Islamic bankers of the old school, everyone are "Brothers" and "Sisters". Interestingly enough among the evangelical Christians in the USA, a similar form of address is used.

I'll agree with your last statement only if you put the word Islamic in parentheses (e.g., "Islamic"). Sura Al Baqarah Aya 8 is one of the relevant chapters and verses in this connection.

Anonymous said...

I would use the two letters word s and o = so and add “called” instead of parentheses, it would then read “ so called Islamic …..Its more expressive .
The use of religion and the fear of the unknown to make money, easy way ….

Laocowboy2 said...

This nonsense seems endless. It is time that the CBK chose TID or another of the zombie businesses for the Admiral Byng role. There is too much focus on individual cases - there needs to be a triage exercise on the whole sector in order to clear the decks and start again on a sound footing. All that is happening at present is self-deception.